New member
I have upgraded to a larger imagesetter and have some stuff for sale. ECRM Mako 36. Images 14" wide film by unlimited length (capstain). Works perfect. Will take $5,000 for it. Vastech DT14 film processor. Recently refurbished by Genesys Equipment in Phoenix. Will take $1500 for it. Macintosh Rip 6.2 (Harlequin) running on a G4 osX. Will take $1500 for it. Macintosh Rip 5.3 (Harlequin) running on a G4 os9. Will take $1,000 for it. Both of these rips are postscript level 3 and will work with any ECRM imagesetter. Will also work with Konica Jetsetters. Rips include security dongles. Please email me if you are interested in anything. Located in the Dallas, Texas area. Local pickup is welcome. I can also arrange shipping for you.