• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

EFI Colorproof XF spot color overprints...I'm not happy!

I bit the bullet and upgraded to EFI 4.0.1. There is a definite improvement in spot color rendering, spot color overprints as well as interface and workflow tools. It seems a touch squirrelly...maybe a bit buggy...but I'm sure it will all get worked out.

Definitely worth the $599.
I want to raise almost exactly the same problem.
We run EFI XF 4.1 with PDF Output option.
The problem: Spots overprint looks different on the Epson printouts and in the PDF output.
In PDF, the spots overprint looks like we expect to see them; on the paper it looks too light.
We have played with that odd gamma/global settings with no luck: we have right 100% but wrong tints or we have pleasant tints and overprint but wrong 100%.

I agree with that sentences about the complexity of spot overprints in real printing world;
BUT - we are very pleased with PDF output result! How we can obtain the same on paper??
Attached: spotOK-PDFout.jpg - PDF Output result; spotError-epsonPAPER.jpg - scan of the paper printout of the same proof with the *same* workflow colour settings.

PS. Sorry for my broken English :(


  • spotError-epsonPAPER.jpg
    256.7 KB · Views: 275
  • spotOK-PDFout.jpg
    36.9 KB · Views: 245


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