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FLH 85Z Plate Processor & Cyclone Rotator


Well-known member
Does anyone have experience with this processor or plate rotator?

Fuji wants to change our processor, but seeing that this devices requires a chiller, we are apprehensive about changing our current processor that does not use one. They are also proposing a cyclone unit to turn our plates to feed the short edge through the narrower processor and we see that requires an air compressor!

It seems to me we'd be complicating a currently straight forward process to save chemistry.

Any experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated!
we switched at the 85Z a while back. The chiller is not a big deal, just keep it filled with distilled water. (once every week or so) The chemistry usage did go way down for us, so it was worth it in that sense.

Can't comment on the cyclone unit, sounds like a possible headache to me, especially if you are using several plate sizes.
If you use the turner then you'll cut your chemistry consumption. To get your plates in without rotating your gonna' require a processor with a wider throat which will hold a significantly larger amount of chemistry.

I ran a FLH-125 & a FLH-85 for a while. The 85 used 3 jugs of chemistry to fill and the 125 used 5.
If you use the turner then you'll cut your chemistry consumption. To get your plates in without rotating your gonna' require a processor with a wider throat which will hold a significantly larger amount of chemistry.

I ran a FLH-125 & a FLH-85 for a while. The 85 used 3 jugs of chemistry to fill and the 125 used 5.
Did you ever change brush roller and roller cloth on FLH85?


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