How about contacting the following organization. They might be able to help you with your project. As I mentioned, Print Industry needs talented people like you.
Society in Science | Fellowships, Post Doc Program, Science, Engineers, Research Funding
Hope this will help!
Farshad, thanks for the link but what they are doing is aimed at specific group of young scientists and engineers. Seems to be a really good organization but it is not applicable to my situation.
Right now, I have designed my technology for a 40 inch wide press that is running UV inks at a packaging printer. I am just now getting the cost for machining parts. The Canadian printer right now is quite positive and we have also gotten some interest from the press supplier.
If the printer is still positive after all the costs and initial issues are determined, then there is the opportunity to build and test the technology in the press and to use it in production.
Since this has to be considered as an experimental effort, a step by step approach is needed. This would also include refinement of the design as one gets more operational experience. After that the technology can be duplicated for more units on their press at low cost.
A short summary of the purpose of the technology.
It provides consistent and predictable print density that is independent of changes in water, press speed, temperature, etc. This should be particularly beneficial for a packaging printer that does repeat jobs because the historical ink key settings will be more accurate with my technology than using the existing CIP3/4 preset technology.
My main purpose for this particular testing is to demonstrate to the public that the solution to the density control problem in offset presses can be done at low cost and with a rethinking of the problem. The printer has agreed to make the results public and give access to parties such as press manufacturers to the results.
If things go well, a lot of credit must go to the people at this Canadian packaging printer who have shown vision and are willing take risks. Those who support these kinds of new ground breaking efforts are more important that the originators because one can not move forward without them.
When there are positive results, you will hear about it. Unfortunately it will not be on Printplanet or WTT because I have been forbidden to discuss it in detail here and will not in the future.
So for the first time in a long time, things are moving in a interesting direction.
Thanks again for your suggestion.