Heidelberg QM 46-2 / Envelopes


New member
Hello to all,

I'm new to this forum but thought I would give it a try.

My problem is running envelopes. It seems my pickup suckers moving forward with envelope loses its suction before the pull in wheels has a chance to grab them in return kickoff of course. But it runs flat sheets like a champ no kickoffs. I have setup like the manual says too, no luck. So, I have setup a different way that seems to run a bit at a slow speed of 5000. I used to run at 7000 an hour before this happened. I had a jam last year in November with some 20# blue envelopes had to call Heidelberg into fix this matter. But it ran with the mechanic here on that day of course. Since this incident occurred it has been a big pain in the rear to run envelopes.

Please any advice out there for me to pursue. :(
Envs on QM

Envs on QM

Do you use the tan cup suckers? I've found that if you put these on the 2 outside (of the 3 used for envs) they feed much better. Also where do you position the feed wheels?? They shoud be in same position as 81/2 x 11 not all the way in the middle. Is your machine the newer model that allows running envs landscape?? If so I tape over the opening for the second set of wheels on the plate as the corners sometimes catch, especially on #9 envs. I run suction on 5 and air on 2 for envs.
Lastly have your feed wheels been replaced with the new design ones? If they've never been changed ask your mechanic about them. My machine is a 2003 and they've broken twice. Both times paper ran fine but envs were a PITA. Now that new design ones were installed over a year ago, no problems.
I assume you are running #10. Do you use the table tilter and the extended tail springs? I start with turning my height adjustment all the way to the bottom then turn out two full turns. Air around 6 and vacuum on 8 or 9. If envelopes are dropping as you say try advanciing as far forward as it will go then backing it off so the grippers dont nick the envelppes. Start by only loading about 200 into the feeder. Beware a sheet that is dropped before going in can be the three two valve on the gear side may need to be cleaned and re greased. Do as mentioned above and run the infeed rollers as close to the outside edges of the envelopes as you can get them.
Hello all,

This is my first posting on this forum.

I'm a bit of a beginner overall, but I have run envelopes almost exclusively for the year or so that I have been printing.

I find that using a rubber band to sort of pre-tension the stack height bar allows me to deal with envelopes more like standard paper - that is, once I get it tensioned a certain way, the air, suction & feed roller position are less critical and more like what I experience while running standard paper.

I usually tape over the 2nd set of rollers as kbd627 mentioned earlier.

Also, I tend to run the little page separator fingers all the way in (as if running card stock)

Let's see...I run the front air nozzle higher on the flap side and lower on the non flap side (when running landscape) in order to account for the added thickness of the flap. Sometimes I even turn the flap side nozzle away from the envelope. I leave the side and rear air nozzles off.

I leave the side jogger tensioning springs in and on the non-flap side, but run them just a little on the loose side.

I turn the double sheet detector off.

Last, maybe try a different brand or batch?

I can usually run #10 & #9 envelopes whatever speed I want while loading 500 at a time - now I just have to learn how to print :)

Nice forum – talk to you all soon


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