Bad example, but its what I could come up with. Lets say you pay someone 20 dollars an hour. This person does X, and to set up the process he has to take 30 steps to get the job done. Each step takes about .5 to 1 second. Now lets say we figured out how to reduce his steps to complete the process from 30 to 20 steps, and lets assume each step takes one second. Per day lets say he also does X 30 times or so. Easy math from here:
30 steps x 30 times done = 900 seconds
900 seconds / 60 = 15 minutes
20 dollars per hour / 4 (15 minutes is a 4th of an hour) = 5 dollars
So it costs the company 5 dollars to pay for our worker to normally move through his/her normal process. If we reduce it to 20 steps:
20 x 30 = 600
600 / 60 = 10
20 / 6 = 3.33 dollars
Now lets say this is per day of course. If we see how much it would save per year, assuming there are 1920 hours of working hours for the individual since this person will get vacation and other stuff, we have:
1920 x 5 = 9600
1920 x 3.33 = 6393.6
So the company saves: $3204.60. Granted, I did not calculate how much MORE work that person can do with the added time he/she saves with this method, just how much time is saved and how much money the company saves with that reduced method of doing the same process.
If you want to get into even more specifics, per say deeper savings, you could also say because setup takes now 20 steps and it use to take 30 steps, we could potentially say that:
30 x 30 = 900
20 x 30 = 600
Thats 300 steps that are freed up because of the setup. And if we added those 300 steps into the 20 step method:
300 / 20 = 15
You can now do 15 more processes now because of the time you saved him/her from his/her normal process time. So instead of being only able to do 30 processes a day, the worker can do 45. MORE MONEY! I'm not going to get into more specifics because then that would make me think too much at this hour in the morning.
Hope this helps to get some ideas going. Maybe I'm doing this wrong and someone else has a better solution, but I try