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How to make a one bit tiff


Active member
We are putting a Trendsetter on our floor and they tell me
it takes a one bit .tiff.
We are running Rampage 10.5
can someone give me a quick lesson
on what I need to do.
Thanks You
I believe you need to purchase a 1 bit tif option from Rampage
It will come with the plugin for the Creo .Also I think the Trendsetter is driven
from a server with something like Print console on it. The Rampage rip will then
generate a 1 bit tif from the plot dialogue box to the hot folder in the Print Console
server.From there I not certain how to run the Print Console, but should be easily
It's and add on 5,000 sounds about right, we don't use ours as much as we thought we would. Why are you looking to use 1bit tifs, that may help in determingin alternatives.
the 1bit tiff is going to be your best option..you could look at dumping a ps file, but then you might have to buy a screening card for the trendsetter.
I guess if I read the entire thread I would know why you are asking, sorry about that. We just take our imposed file from a rampage shooter and plot (not a 1bit tif) to the Creo Print console then to our Creo. We purchased the 1bit tif to take "over flow" work from a different printer years ago and don't use it much internaly.


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