• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

how's business

Thank goodness the economy is improving slowly but surely. I have known many, many people dismissed from working in the pass 2 years but now they are able to find jobs. They are slowly but steadily hiring new employees in my area. Hope is back for supporting family which is truly the most important thing.
Well when I posted, I could not have forseen what was coming. My employer's still driving his new car, my old job is still occupied by a pressman (who lost his press job for lack of quality work). When I see the editions I used to plate, I kind of have to laugh. Clearly these jobs are not being proofed. We've lost another 5,000 or so customers since last winter. Good for them, I'm glad my boss and his fancy white SUV enjoys his wealth, cause it won't last. My employer's gonna have a crash collision with reality, and I'll be smirking the whole time. As for me, the new job in janitorial's still going strong...I might not be laughing all the way to the bank, but my employer won't be either. Gordo's right--dumb employers DO throw quality employees away. Along with LOTS of other verrrry interesting stuff in the trash.

Giggle. I miss the smell of napalm in the morning.
How's Business

How's Business

I had a recent discussion with some fairly successful yet small to medium print owners over the weekend, and an interesting comment/point was brought up. A couple printers we know whose business has been off lately made a remark about the economy getting better and "hoping" things would pick up for them, etc. Basically, the same song and dance people have been griping about for months and months. You know, the collective "poor me poor me, I want things to be better but I don't want to do anything about it" kind of song and dance. And a great friend and print owner made an interesting point to this person-

"If your business is off, and your margins are suffering- it's most likely an internal problem and not an external one.." Since the print industry and the economy have not had any correlation to each other and that relationship stopped years before the current recession, a person can not blame the economy. Sure a bad economy lessens the spending (contraction) by businesses and consumers, but it also presents more opportunities than you think. These companies still have to market their goods and services, so they are still spending money- just more wisely with who they spend it with. And NO if you think someone who is tight on spending wants to throw their money away because you the printer has the cheapest job lot paper or foreign garbage (or surplus waste you bought off a printer that went down)- you are sadly mistaken. If your margins are getting killed AND your business is off- that means you aren't attracting business because of your own value (your worth as a printer) and the quality of your paper and/'or jobs is causing clients to defect and/or seek printing elsewhere.

And don't tell me companies want to do it themselves. It costs a company 3-4 times MORE money to print in house than to have a good printer like You do it for them (so the companies that tell you they have no money can spend 4 times as much money to do it themselves? Then they must have money if they can spend 400% more to do it right). But if they feel they get better VALUE and QUALITY by doing themselves- then it is your fault. I would spend 50% more of my money as a consumer to get what I WANT and have it DONE RIGHT, then to get an OK job or something that just barely is satisfactory just to save a couple bucks. Anything less than the BEST is like throwing my money away- and the defection of your clients is reality of such. So while you look for ways to cut Quality, Value , and Reliability out of your workmanship- so goes your business and your profit margins. An INTERNAL problem, not an external issue.

Opportunities- with so many printers whining about how "bad" things are but seriously not doing a thing about it. Guess what, smart printers are out there with better products, better attitudes, and better QVR (quality, value, and reliability)than you and they are taking your business. Wait, you mean the clients you are losing are spending money with someone else. But didn't you say nobody had money to spend? That's right, while you sit around and play the poor me game, there is someone who will not go quietly that believes they can provide a better service than you, better products, and go above and beyond what you have done- heck- they might actually call more than you and care more than you- and they are getting your business. Because you want to complain and whine and whimper. If you aren't going to do anything about it, just give up already because you already have pretty much thrown in the towel. No matter how many prayer candles you light, there will be no divine intervention. If you put nothing into your business, don't expect to get anything out.

it's the 5 P's of life people- Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Didn't you have any contingency plans when things were booming? Didn't you expect that what goes up must come down? Didn't you formulate any strategies to build your business when things are the cheapest they have been in years and years? Or were you too busy thinking you were a genius and the house of cards you built was untouchable?

Price- get off it people. If you think selling on price will help your business, I promise you are wrong. There are times when discounted pricing, sales, etc can attract attention but it will only kill your profits. Look at it this way: WHAT CHANGED ABOUT YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT YOU HAVE TO SELL IT CHEAPER? Are you using garbage stock? Is your quality less than it was? If so, drop your prices- you sell less quality, expect less profitability. But if your services are better, your quality is better, and your workmanship is the best- why would you take less for it? People will pay, it's up to you to make that happen. As a successful printer that you claim to be, then you should be able to make it happen!

So I DARE you- go out there and do something about it. How will you set yourself apart from every other printer who offers the same as you (and I don't mean price- messing with your prices is not only foolish, but a good way to erode your profitability FOREVER).

If it is the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs, bases loaded, 0 balls and 2 strikes- down by 3 runs and you are up to bat. What are you going to do? Complain that the umpire is not fair, complain the the 3rd inning should have went better? Use the excuse the fans and hecklers are too intimidating (or there aren't enough fans to cheer you on)?

Or are you going to be the Superstar you are and hit the damn ball out of the park?

It is Showtime, Man up or sit down- plain and simple.


"The Marine"
Just saw this on the Print & Print Procurement group on Linkedin.com (my emphasis)

John Valleau Manager, JG Imprinters
"I need to find a printer to bid this. They have to have excellent quality, service <b>and the deciding factor is the lowest price.</b> Customer request below.
Could you also give me a quote on our brochures…"

Sadly he's received two quotes already.

best, gordo
It is obvious this customer, requesting the quote is sadly misinformed. His statement is a complete hypocrisy of itself. The best quality for the lowest price.

Has anyone ever asked the Mercedes Benz dealership to match Hyundai's prices? If so, I bet you got laughed out of the showroom.

You have to pick 1 or the other. Do you want quality, or do you want the cheapest payments? The problem is what that person WANTS and what is REALITY are total separate entities. It's up to an intelligent printer, owner, sales person, business professional to identify that and work closely with clients.

Are there foolish printers out there that will give business away to quote that client- just so they can keep their lights on 1 more day? Yep, I know quite a few unsuccessful owners right now that can barely survive. Oh well, they make it through this recession but death is knocking on the door.

But seriously folks, when you can purchase a Rolls Royce for less than a Chevy- PLEASE LET ME KNOW (because I just died and went to heaven).

But with so many desperate printers out there, are you seriously shocked when the Bohemians come out of the wood work looking for something for nothing? If you want it done right, you got to pay. If you want it for dirt cheap, expect dirt results.

Let's get positive. August is behind us, September is now upon us. Many printers say it is busy season now (I say it should always be busy season, but to each their own), so pound the phones, up sell your clients, bring in more clients- market your good and services like there is no tomorrow. Put your blinders on and be the best that you can be. Everything else will fall into place!

If you don't believe it, you will never see it. I believe in you, but do you even believe in yourself and the team around you? (if not, there could a good starting pace to getting on track!)


"The Marine"


Why are printers adamant of change, especially when it's for the betterment of your company and it's clients? Everyone on here seems to post that business is so terribly bad, yet they continue plugging away offering the same products their competitors are, selling on price (which erodes your margins- something you will NEVER be able to make back without raising prices, then losing the price trained clients you gained).

An anonymous person once said," Everyone wants to learn how to improve themselves- as long as they really don't have to do it."

In layman's terms- if you are griping about your business and/or lack thereof- why would you continue to piss into the wind? What have you done lately with your services AND products that sets you apart from everyone else who does the same (namely your competition)?

What value do you offer to your clients that makes you an even bigger asset? What products and services can you offer that will afford you the ability to increase your profit margins, or at least increase the amount of business being done at your current margin levels?

Lastly, being loyal to the supplier who generates a commission, especially when you are using Foreign made brands that support a foreign economy and not out own- is that really the most intelligent thing to do when you call yourself an American (you can't complain about the economy and then contribute to reasons why it is struggling)?

The moral of the story- maybe the issues have always been internal and most find it easy to blame external factors instead of identifying why their plans of action are failing. When faced with intelligent opportunities to better yourself, become a more valuable asset to your clients, and increase your profitability- maybe the wise thing is to take advantage.

Of course, I could be wrong. But my philosophies have grown my business into a multi-million dollar a year paper sales business (and I am just one executive by myself managing a business that typically generates 6-60 times larger revenues than most small to medium printers in the US) Why is it a 30 year old man can do that in 2 years in a "hurting" industry- but the print owners, who are supposed to be the experts, can barely hang on?


The Marine
Long after the cost is forgotten the printed piece will still be around.
Go ahead check it out don't be afraid.

In reference to the title of this thread we are busy.
Most of the time cost is not the deciding factor.
The client can rest easy knowing they will be getting a top quality product

nicely put. It sounds like you are one of the few printers who bases their strategy on value plus, and not the cost plus systems that is killing so many others out there. I agree, cost is only a minute factor to any business (i.e- why save money on cost if you spend more just to use it). And sometimes the value of a product will go alot further than the cost your clients will pay- return on their investments using the high quality versus the inferior quality.

The kicker though hansman is this- what about the companies out there that can achieve far better costs on price and running of the stock and the quality far exceeds any current products/services that are being offered- they just refuse to take advantage. I would liken that to pissing into the wind (some would say running head first into a brick wall on purpose).

So for thos who have posted and have verbally complained about how "terrible" business is- yet don't realize that the problem lies in refusal to change for the better (but isn't always easier to point the finger than to actually take responsibility)

we need more hard-chargers like you hansman, any accolades are definitely deserved in your corner!
I am trying here to stay on topic. We had our best month in over a year which still is much less then what we did two years ago. We are seeing more jobs come our way but with less profit. We are down to a skeleton crew where one person on vacation can hurt. We are robbing Peter to pay Paul to our vendors. Our equipment has more bandaids then our first aid kit. We are hopeful that we are on the tail end of this. First goal is to get out of debt, fix equipment and get some new equipment so we dont broker as much work out. We have been getting some or our laid off people back on call to help with the work load. I do not endorse lean that much but we have cross trained. My bindery guy can run our two color press. One prepress person and myself are trained on Indigo. Our indigo operator can help in prepress and in bindery. I am a production manager but work most the day as a production worker in bindery and as press operator and Indigo operator. I feel the longer we can hold out the better our chances of not going out of business. Also in the end a recession is suppose to help weed out the bad and once again allow us to price jobs at a profit instead of loosing on every job.

The survival in printing these days is service. You have to give the customer what they want when they want it and it has to be done right. Once you make a mistake you a lot of times do not get a second chance. If you hear a phone ring at least three time you need to answer it even if you are a press operator or a driver.
I am trying here to stay on topic. We had our best month in over a year which still is much less then what we did two years ago. We are seeing more jobs come our way but with less profit. We are down to a skeleton crew where one person on vacation can hurt. We are robbing Peter to pay Paul to our vendors. Our equipment has more bandaids then our first aid kit. We are hopeful that we are on the tail end of this. First goal is to get out of debt, fix equipment and get some new equipment so we dont broker as much work out. We have been getting some or our laid off people back on call to help with the work load. I do not endorse lean that much but we have cross trained. My bindery guy can run our two color press. One prepress person and myself are trained on Indigo. Our indigo operator can help in prepress and in bindery. I am a production manager but work most the day as a production worker in bindery and as press operator and Indigo operator. I feel the longer we can hold out the better our chances of not going out of business. Also in the end a recession is suppose to help weed out the bad and once again allow us to price jobs at a profit instead of loosing on every job.

The survival in printing these days is service. You have to give the customer what they want when they want it and it has to be done right. Once you make a mistake you a lot of times do not get a second chance. If you hear a phone ring at least three time you need to answer it even if you are a press operator or a driver.

You have pretty much summed it up. My main problem is our production times are getting cut to narrow margins. The profit margins in the work is minimal at best from my vantage point. So I am forced to bring extra people in and it just eats away at the Benjamins. It is not a trend I am very fond of. I understand that some of these projects are not released to the printer until the last moment and I try to do the best I can. I won't sacrifice the quality of a job to meet the production deadline. Not worth the stress. Anybody in printed is getting tested in the same way. The only advantage is I have really strong part time help that can flat get it done. They truly are the saving grace for me. Not to mention they let me string out their payroll a bit. If you any of you are are reading this and you know who you are, thank you........
I hear ya, we try to keep all are employees too. it does get tough. I feel bad when I just dont have much for the the part timers, but its go lean time.
I have seen quite a few major printers in my neck of the woods fold in the last 6 months. The paper salespeople like to gab about who is 4-6 months behind on their invoices, so you almost know exactly when they are going to cave in. It has been a rough road for a lot of folks.
As a supplier we are seeing lots more interest in lower price consumable products and this has pushed us to offer more products from the 'alternative' ranges (necessity being the mother of invention).

The good news is our research has found many of these to be of 'as good' quality (yes we do test before offering them!) and in some cases definitely better quality even with the substantially lower price.
(I tested a GMG 250 alternative proof paper and got lower delta E than the gmg product and using an EFI rip with epson990 got iso39 pass less than 1 delta E which I didn't think possible!)
our alternative brand washcloths are also increasingly popular.

other growth areas are 2nd user equipments (eg epson wide format)

The depressed pound has brought us many more international clients for whom our UK prices are amazingly low and the future does indeed look brighter now the holidays are over.
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Credit/ terms

Credit/ terms

There aren't "successful" business people here actually complaining about paying bills at 60 days out (or longer as I read)? Are you joking me? If you can't pay CASH for an item you need, what makes you think you can pay MORE for it at a later date? Any responsible adult with some common sense will tell you that, not to mention any financial consultant (be it adviser, counselor, broker, etc.). It's like common sense 101.

You can't pay your mortgage in 60 days- you'll be facing a Chattel case in court (chattel= foreclosure for those who don't know). You can't pay your car payment is 60 days- you'll get repossessed. You can't pay your light bills, rent bills, credit card bills, or any bill for that matter in the REAL WORLD after 30 days- what makes you think this Industry is any different? And a reason the industry is where it is, not the main reason but a huge boost to it's failure- is credit.

Get real people. I am dead serious-- get real people. Ladies, Gentleman- whatever you are. You are supposed to be Executives and/or Business owners AND YOU CAN'T PAY FOR SOMETHING YOU NEED UPFRONT? You can't buy milk and eggs at Jewel or Dominick's and tell them you will come back and pay 2 months later. Guess what- if you don't pay then and there- YOUR FAMILY DOESN'T GET MILK AND EGGS. Plain and simple..

Not I am sure those commissioned sales reps you all deal with want to feed their family too. So if you don't pay your bills- they don't eat. So it's a vicious cycle, but let's break down the common sense here:

You want a company, supplier, etc. to FRONT you on credit product or funds? So technically, you want them to pay for product and expend their cash- and then gift you that money, product, etc. so you can pay back at a later date. Then you want to use that line of credit, product, funds to give another line of credit to a different company.

So you want to use money that isn't yours, to somebody else in good faith they will pay you back so you can pay the original source.


Bottom-line--- you should have money. Otherwise, close your store. It's not as bad as you naysayers make it to be. If you have boss's that don't know how to run your company- find a different place. Superstars and Star Employees don't have issues finding good jobs that pay very well. If you owners don't know how to handle your business, do us all a favor and get out of the business- you are a cancer!

But don't sit here and complain you get called out on your inability to pay for something Upfront, or within the normal parameters of life. Your clients have money, it's YOUR FAULT for not making them part with the cash and just fronting money YOU HARDLY EVER SEE ANYWAYS. You have money, it's your suppliers fault for not making you pay for it upfront.

Be grown adults. It takes money to make money- so start having some responsibility for your cash and stop perpetuating your problems. We are not kids here- so stop acting like it.

Instead of putting so much time into complaining about business- if you put even 50% of the effort into creating something good for yourself as you do into moaning and groaning- you wouldn't be on here all the time being negative. Be a man.. be a woman... but stop being a cancer and a mascot for negativity.

lastly- be adults-- pay your bills people and stop free riding and withholding (which in some aspects of your life can get you imprisoned).
just to revive this thread in its original form. we are busy this month, but a local company just announce another 130 laid off taking them to nearly no production. this company is a leading indicator of cycles in the national economy. they have a perfect track record for the 30 years we have been in business. they hire big on the up swing and layoff on the downside. we don't print much for them, but they do order employment applications when times are good. they have not ordered applications or union agreement/ hand books in 2 years. so it looks like the ground hog says 6 more months of doom and gloom.

please share your pain. it makes others feel better.
Edited. Due to the fact that this information is too good to divulge for free.
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quoted from themarine
end quote

hey it works for the us government it must be okay. sort of a reverse robin hood. rob from the tax payer to bail out big billionaire bankers that can't run their business.

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