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InDesign CS4 missing objects at export


New member

I am experiencing a weird error. I have some objects that are common to both pages on a spread witch are not showing in exported pdf. Not all of them, it's kinda random, but the problem appears with objects from the master, like background frames, etc. Anyone with this problem?
I've had a similar problem with items on the master page (folios mainly) not showing up in the pdf. It's random here as well. The only solution we came up with was to take them off the master page and put them on the actual page. If anyone has any insight, it would be appreciated.
seems lke a settings thing

seems lke a settings thing

If master items are visible the flyout menu from the pages will have:
"Hide Master Items" if it says "Show Master items" choose this option.

You are sure it is on a printable layer?

Are there transparent objects on top and you do not have overprint preview enabled.

(I know it may sound simple but sometimes simple is overlooked.)

Is it on large documents or all/random? Is it the same objects at different instances of export or random?
Are links updated?
Are you doing export from a local volume or a server? (are clocks synchronised else may get updated links problem)

Are they objects across a spead?
There must be some pattern
Yes, it's on a printable layer, I left only one layer, to be sure.

No, there are not any transparent objects.

It doesnt matter if it's only a 2 page or a 32 page document. Links updated, local volume.

Objects always across a spread. That's the only pattern I can find. But it's weird because it affects also other objects, if i have a background enlarged to a full spread, then when I export the pdf's I have several others objects missing, like page number, etc.

What I did is to take each object on a spread and put it, in master, page by page. But if I have to put a picture, let's say, it's more complicated...
In my instance, it's from the same client. There are colored boxes at the bottom of the page with a reversed folio and web address on the left page and a reversed folio with the company name on the right page. The left page loses the reversed type, but the bar is still there. The white type is not on a non-printing layer (in fact, there is only one layer), is not set to overprint and is in front of all the other elements. The file is not huge, 16 pages. If i copy the folio and web address off of the master page an onto the actual page, it seems to work. InDesign CS4, exporting as a pdf.
I've seen issues where Masterpage items are in the PDF but they are not selectable by Pit Stop. Once I "override" the Materpage items and remake the PDF, they are selectable. Anyone know why this is a it's a PITA?
Hi - Longtime lurker, first-time poster - I am having problems like this as well, except today I upgraded to CS5. The InDesign document have been exporting to a pdf complete and well from CS4 is not all exporting from CS5 in Acrobat 9. This is a 2-page document with no master. First page goes fine, Second page missing stuff. Even when exported by itself. Any ideas? Thanks.
Some thoughts ...

Some thoughts ...

Are you "printing to PDF" or "Exporting to PDF"?

For example, if you're printing to create your PDFs, you may want to make sure that your "Spreads" check box is selected when you create your PDFs. If not, the element will only print on the "anchored" page. That can cause some rude surprises -- especially if the "anchored" page contains the frame inside the trim but the element actually shows on the other half of the spread. This often happens with recurring elements like folios or standing elements that are then "adjusted" to fit by a designer.

If you're using the Print Booklet command under the File menu to create your printer's spreads, you will find that the anchor for spread-crossing items is lost, and the ensuing element will be as well. In that instance, you will need to Copy, Paste in Front and Crop elements so there's no overlap and they meet exactly at the gutter between your reader spreads before you create your booklet. Unlike the old "Build Booklet" utility you had in PageMaker or early versions of InDesign, you don't really get a chance to preview how your booklet will look before it's printed.

And as an aside, for the folks who were talking about copying and pasting elements from master to document pages, you can do that more quickly and safely by holding down the Control(PC)/Command(Mac)+Shift keys and clicking on Master Page elements on your document pages. This brings those elements up and converts them into document items, which can then be manipulated/deleted as needed in your document spreads. If things then get screwed up, you can get back to where you started by deleting the element(s) you converted from Master Page items with the Remove All Local Overrides in the Pages panel menu and then re-applying the appropriate Master Page(s) to the reader's spread.

Hope this helps ...
In my case, I tried both print and export. I'm not using spreads or booklets. Our IT man reinstalled Acrobat 9 since this was an InDesign CS5 thing, but it didn't work.
Problem solved! It was a Photoshop file that didn't show up and every element on the same side of the page. Once converted to a jpg, it ran like a charm. Bummer thing about it was it worked fine in CS4. Maybe it's just a quirky problem that will get resolved. THANKS!
I think I have a similar problem. I just can't figure it out!

I have master pages and one object that covers them both. Now, when in Indesign everything seems to be fine. But when I export to PDF, on the EVEN page numbers this object comes to the foreground. I have added a PDF as an example.

This happens to me in every Indesign file I make!

You would be my absolute hero if you can explain this to me.


  • test.pdf
    416.2 KB · Views: 349
Hi Wuppie

I tried a couple of ways and couldn't reproduce your error in CS5, CS4 or CS3. How are you creating the PDFs? Does it make any difference to export with different PDF settings (PDF X1a or X4)?

You might have some issues with file corruption or corruption in your preferences. You could try deleting the InDesign Prefs to see if it makes any difference. You could also try exporting as an .inx file and reimporting into InDesign to clear up any corruption in the file.

It would seem that the issue is related to InDesign mis-assigning the stacking order of objects on the facing page. Try moving the foreground object to a separate layer on top to see if that helps any.

A file to review

A file to review

I've got two files (indd & pdf) embedded in a zip file attached here to ask for help.

I've got the same problem which is happened when I export my file as a pdf file & the objects in my master page is not going to show after exporting. The problem is in pages 3 & 5 (this file is a save-as file from a big book of mine with 404 pages). And I've got this problem in many random pages.

But when I export the problem-maker pages separately, things will be shown correctly!

Indesign CS5 with Windows 7 (both x64) AND I hadn't the problem couple of days ago.
I exported it in Acrobat 8/9 (PDF 1.7).

Any help?


  • 1.zip
    510.4 KB · Views: 342
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