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Indesign document says missing fonts


Well-known member
Heres a ringer.. the agency says "we dont need the fonts" but when you open up the document tje chinese font it says missing.....
Insdesign DOES allow me to make outlines which i thought you needed fonts to do. ALso if i make a PDF and check in Pitsop it says the font is an embedded subset..? I say let the agency convert the file to outlines i dont feel comfortable taking responsibility for something i cant interpret. Its my understanding that you CANNOT embed fonts in a document.. Any insite Ive uploaded a spread for example
Heres a ringer.. the agency says "we dont need the fonts" but <snip/>

Correct. There's nothing wrong.

Subsetting takes the font you're thinking of and makes (what amounts to) a *new* font. That <ahem>new font</ahem> contains only the characters that are actually used (already) in the document.

InDesign is warning you about this only because you would need to the original/complete font in order to *alter* the document (e.g., to use a character that doesn't exist in the synthetic/subset font).


So, yes. You can print, preview and do a bunch of other things. You can sleep well tonight. Your document will print just fine.
You can sleep well tonight.

Well...perhaps sleep fitfully? We're talking an Eastern character set here...not left to right. If it were in a PDF, I'd sleep somewhat. But if Indesign is howling, and you're messing with native files, I'd reach for the NoDoz.

I think its a litte STRONGER than NODOZ..(lol) i never knew tha font could be in an INDESIGN document without actually HAVING the Font... its asking for the font...most other fonts the glyphs do not display propery unless the font is activated... still a mystery to me, and news as well.. the client suppled an outlined file which was what we wanted anyway
Thanks for the comments
Well...perhaps sleep fitfully? We're talking an Eastern character set here...not left to right. If it were in a PDF, I'd sleep somewhat. But if Indesign is howling, and you're messing with native files, I'd reach for the NoDoz.

The CJK (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) usually have much stronger copyright restrictions. Sometimes they even need to be installed on the RIP or converted to curves. Generating PDF or EPS with subset or converting to outlines is not unusual.

For the PDF you don't need the font… but for InDesign you do!
I just opened your files in In Design CS 5.5 macos and it didnt ask for fonts i checked what fonts were in the document other than the font you supplied and InDesign listed Hiragino Sans GB W3 & W6 i must have had it installed already or it comes with snow leopard

Well hope that helps??



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