If they do happen to be legit, this is the organization they will want to contact:
Bible League International
1 Bible League Plaza
Crete, IL 60417
Toll Free: (866) 825-4636
[email protected]
Bible League partners with mission organizations all over the world to help print and distribute Bibles. Some years ago I served briefly as Director of Publications for the Philippines Branch of Wycliffe Bible Translators, and I worked directly with Bible League. They helped to provide the funds for local printing of newly translated scriptures for small, remote people groups throughout Southeast Asia.
Alternatively, they could contact SIL International via SIL.org. SIL operates locally in many countries around the world to train linguistic anthropologists and translators, in part to facilitate the translation and distribution of scripture. Chances are, SIL has an established organization in their country of interest, and may even have Bibles or scripture passages in their languages of interest, printed and ready to distribute.
I'll also note, just as a matter of interest, that in Manila I worked with several printers who operated large, sheetfed offset presses that had outlived their efficient usefulness in the States, but had gone on to service in the Philippines, where their intensive maintainance and upkeep was commercially viable due to the availability of cheap labor. Spare parts were either jury-rigged, fabricated locally, or frankensteined from other aging presses. So while it may be a scam, it's not unthinkable that someone may be searching for older equipment that could be useful in Africa.