Are You in Control of Your Process or is Your Process Controlling You? Find out.
Invest 90-minutes of your time and join CMG—color management consultants—and learn how to get started on your journey to be in control of your processes. Quick turnaround times, price pressures & supply issues are just a few of the things printers have to deal with daily. Who really has the time to investigate and invest in process control?
The better question is, what happens if you don't invest in controlling your processes?
This 30-minute webinar will delve into—
WHEN: Wed, Mar 30, 2022 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT — REGISTER HERE
Invest 90-minutes of your time and join CMG—color management consultants—and learn how to get started on your journey to be in control of your processes. Quick turnaround times, price pressures & supply issues are just a few of the things printers have to deal with daily. Who really has the time to investigate and invest in process control?
The better question is, what happens if you don't invest in controlling your processes?
This 30-minute webinar will delve into—
- Breathing New Life into Old Equipment,
- Capitalizing on Existing Investments,
- Integrating Process Control on every job,
- Matching Color Across Platforms,
- Customer Stories will be featured.
WHEN: Wed, Mar 30, 2022 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT — REGISTER HERE