I wonder. Are all the enemies evil designers?
Cracked me up. Sent it to my boss to see if we could play it at our work
Yeah I am sure he watched this Utube video and opened up on his class mates. The world needs to ban violent games and then kids wont shoot others. This kid had major issues. Here is another idea. Ban James Bond movies. How many times do you see Bond going around shooting a bunch of people. I bet in one scene he shoots at least 20 people with the Walter PPKWow, How sad.
You really don't see the connection? Prosecutor: Suspect admitted to shootings at school -
If violent video games, or even parodies of violent video games, were responsible for school or workplace shootings we would see more of them world wide. Unfortunately, the US leads the world in school and workplace violence, including homicides. This would suggest a cultural link, rather than an environmental one.
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