Wondering if anyone has calculated the cost per impression on the Landa S10 press that is being touted. Also wonder if there actually is any actual Landa presses running in a production mode at this point. The reason I point to 'cost per impression' is the probable monopoly that potentially would exist with the cost and implied warranties forced on buyers of the consumable INK from Landa. This I feel is where the profit would truly be grabbed if the technology would materialize. Generic nano particled ink and counter offerings to Landa nanoink would be strongly denied methinks from Benny and company. Consider everything here with this great sky in the pie up and comingner.
D Ink Man
At Drupa, the CEO (Amir) of Landa said that they were going to ship presses in the beginning of 2017. 2017 has started and at this time of year one usually gets some annual notice of some kind of delays. So far nothing has been announced but I suspect there will be something said soon either way.
I hope Landa will get the results they want soon but I have to say, I don't see that the concept has a big enough advantage. I could be wrong. I am happy to be surprised.
I am also eagerly waiting for some reports regarding the EZcolor inker by Cron. They too are in the process of development and hopefully testing at printers. I know this is not so easy to develop because I have experience developing an experimental pumping inker back in the early 1990's that ran in production (24/7) on four units of a press for several months, running EB inks.
Developing technology is difficult but it seems easy for the industry media to report that some new technology has a high level of performance even before it is in actual production. They even report that the costs are significant.
Unfortunately the media does not worry about the reality that finally might arrive. An of course, the speculation about cost per impression can be fake news until the final results come in. Fun to follow.
Updated info,
I just noticed that at InfoTrends in Dec 2016, Komori stated that their version of the S10, the NS40 will be fully available in the Spring of 2018 after NS40 is finished its beta testing at a printer in Belgium with Landa.