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Mailings and Postage


Well-known member
Hey guys, I have been getting a few people asking lately if I can do some mailings for them. I've never done this before, so it's pretty new to me. I understand about bulk mailing discounts and how to apply to be a bulk mailer to usps. What I'm not sure about is the software to address each piece. I get variable data, but not the bars that go with the address and then the postage paid stamp. Is this a software that I would get through the usps or something like fusion pro, ect?

If you guys could point me in the right direction Id appreciate it. It can be a website with the softwares, reading, or you can post how to do it yourself. I just need a place to start from. Thanks guys.
That barcode is just a font. What you need is the data to create it. The data is based on mailer id, address, dp, class and type of mail etc. You're going to need software to prepare your presorts and barcode info, to CASS and NCOA updates, etc. We use and love accuzip. But there are a number of others out there - Satori, BCC Mail - google it i'm sure there are a ton.
I'll second the recommendation accuzip. There is quite a learning curve for bulk mail and the post office provides no help.
I'll second the recommendation accuzip. There is quite a learning curve for bulk mail and the post office provides no help.

Thats why we choose to outsource mailing . . . the price of failure is tremendous . . .
As Kansasquaker stated, the Intelligent Mail (IM) barcode is just a font and the postage paid stamp (indicia) is what you can create in Illustrator based on the guidelines in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM). Just Google it. It's huge but has all you need to know according to the USPS. Some of the first things you need to learn about: mail piece design (what goes where), classes of mail (size, shape and weight - very important) and finally address standardization (proper abbreviations, address layout, etc). Start with getting your Standard Class permit (they give you a number and you give them an annual fee of $225) and then you create your indicia like I said earlier. Then it's time for software...

When I started with bulk mail someone told me it was easy. The USPS does a good job at making it difficult with all there forms and terminology. But if all your doing is mailing some post cards for a small business, it really is easy. Now, if you want to mail credit card statements for Mastercard, that's another ballgame. In fact, you don't even need to use a barcode to bulk mail just do a machinable presort. Anyway, software. I presume you already have and use FusionPro (that's what we use)? The other piece you'll need is presort software. I started with this - http://savepostage.com/psinfo.html Way, way, way less expensive than the other presort software packages that were mentioned. That's because they include so much s**t that you don't need when starting out. They are for mailers doing 100,000 mailers a month (I do that many per YEAR, to give you an idea of my size). AccuZIP and Satori also include NCOA and CASS but you can get that done with an outside vendor on an as needed basis. I use - http://mailershaven.com/.

Speaking of Mailers Haven. You'll need a place to get mailing lists. They are very helpful and my sales rep there is very good. I can call him anytime with one of my stupid questions and he can run counts for me. When you do small mailings (less than 10,000) it's not hard. Dabob is right, when you make a mistake, even on small mailings, it's expensive. But so is screwing up 100,000 static flyers. Nothing is cheap in our industry. One time, I mailed a job standard class instead of first class (that's a seperate permit) and it arrived AFTER the event. Boy, was my customer pissed and it cost me. But we have a good relationship and I changed my workflow to reduce the chances of making that mistake again. On another occassion, and I still can't believe how we missed this, we forgot to print the indicia! Boy, was I pissed! Lol! My BMEU (Business Mail Entry Unit) called me and I had to go pick them up. Some did get delivered and some got returned after going out. We printed a bunch of little labels with the indicia on it and remailed them.

They say 50% of eveything printed is mailed and they also say you need to add value. Well, postcards are boring with a low profit margin but when you mail them you add value AND make more money. You get to charge for postal processing, addressing, and delivery to the post office. And it's not boring because if you make a mistake... We've been mailing for about seven years now with an average mailing quantity of two thousand. Just about all of our mailings are less than 10,000. It wasn't till the past year that we hit quantities of over 30,000. We mail standard, first class, nonprofit, and EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail - even easier than traditional mailing). Right now, we are doing a 200 piece (standard class minimum) mailer of 6x9 envelopes stuffed with a letter and two laminated cards using a customer provided list.

Wow. This was a really big post. I need to go do some real work now. Please, please feel free to PM or call me if you would like to chat. As you can see, I love talking about mailing.
This is something that I need to get into, but we have so many other projects going on that I can't splinter my time too much. I know about the DMM, IMB and all that jazz, but we haven't been able to figure out how to print the IMB directly onto the piece on our digital press. Just need the time and I will definitely use this as a resource. Thanks Keith and Kansas for the info.
Don't be too intimidated. Up until a few years ago, we had been sending our stuff to a mail house, but I decided our volumes were so high, that we needed to be doing it ourselves. I got Accuzip, and found that it wasn't so hard. You will make mistakes, but our people at the Post Office were very helpful. For the first few mailings, we would run samples, and have them look them over before proceeding. If your not going to be doing regular mailings, it probably isn't worth it, but if your doing at least a couple each week, it is probably going to be the better option. Just be prepared to dedicate time to learning the process, and reading up on postal regulations from time to time. Accuzip actually mails out magazines that are very informative.

Ditto to what is being said. Accuzip has some the best customer support you will come across. Printing the address and IMb is as simple as a file export to CVS and using Fusion Pro or your high speed address printer. We are relatively small, mailing a little over 1M pieces a year, after you do 3 or 4 mailings it will be second nature. It's a service you need to charge for, so don't be afraid, as the equipment is expensive. Good Luck!!
I use Planet Press and am pretty happy. I inherited this job from another and we already had PP. I heard Fusion Pro is awesome too.


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