Cory Smith
Well-known member
Member Spotlight on [Dan Sutton |]
*City/State where you live*
Rochester, NY
*Current place of employment*
Phoenix Graphics, Inc
*Job Title*
Electronic Prepress, Graphic, Web Design, IT, usually just called "Alpha Geek"
*Hometown City/State*
Rochester, NY
*Favorite Musician/Band*
I have several, depending on my mood. My iPod has everything from classical, 80s, new age, progressive/alternative to good old rock and roll. I like to listen to Yanni while I work.
*Favorite activity outside of work*
Spending time with kids, leisure sports, video games... (WoW FTW - you know who you are)
*Store you would max your credit card at*
Apple store of course
*Something you must do or accomplish before you die*
Id like to finish that Novel...
*Other occupation you would like to try*
I wanted to be an actor/screenwriter when I was growing up, even took acting classes in college, but never went with it. Also would like to design CGI for movie studios or game makers, thats just looks like fun.
*First Car*
Dodge Colt hatchback, blew up the first week I owned it
*Personal Quote*
I don't know if its a quote, or just a viewpoint on life. Don't let the bad things bring you down or the good things overwhelm you, be nice to everyone, (even if they don't deserve it), if you have a problem, get over it.
*Favorite Movie*
hmm that is a tough one, there are so many, I would say at this moment I'm thinking The LOTR trilogy.
married with 2 great boys
*Favorite Vacation spot*
I have a small lot of land in the 1000 Islands area, great to get away from it all, fish, camp, read a book, stargaze.. the things you don't have time to do normally
Thanks Dan!
If you'd like to be featured in the community bulletin, please send us an email at [email protected]
*City/State where you live*
Rochester, NY
*Current place of employment*
Phoenix Graphics, Inc
*Job Title*
Electronic Prepress, Graphic, Web Design, IT, usually just called "Alpha Geek"
*Hometown City/State*
Rochester, NY
*Favorite Musician/Band*
I have several, depending on my mood. My iPod has everything from classical, 80s, new age, progressive/alternative to good old rock and roll. I like to listen to Yanni while I work.
*Favorite activity outside of work*
Spending time with kids, leisure sports, video games... (WoW FTW - you know who you are)
*Store you would max your credit card at*
Apple store of course
*Something you must do or accomplish before you die*
Id like to finish that Novel...
*Other occupation you would like to try*
I wanted to be an actor/screenwriter when I was growing up, even took acting classes in college, but never went with it. Also would like to design CGI for movie studios or game makers, thats just looks like fun.
*First Car*
Dodge Colt hatchback, blew up the first week I owned it
*Personal Quote*
I don't know if its a quote, or just a viewpoint on life. Don't let the bad things bring you down or the good things overwhelm you, be nice to everyone, (even if they don't deserve it), if you have a problem, get over it.
*Favorite Movie*
hmm that is a tough one, there are so many, I would say at this moment I'm thinking The LOTR trilogy.
married with 2 great boys
*Favorite Vacation spot*
I have a small lot of land in the 1000 Islands area, great to get away from it all, fish, camp, read a book, stargaze.. the things you don't have time to do normally
Thanks Dan!
If you'd like to be featured in the community bulletin, please send us an email at [email protected]