Re: Nexus 8.6 rev2 is out!
Kristof--I'm printing as In-Rip separations directly from IDCS3. Exporting as a PDF yields the same result.
Some clarification, ALL strokes within the table must be the same color as the fill in order to get it to trap correctly.
Now, create a box with a fill of 100% black and 20% cyan. Set some type and make it white, convert the type to outlines and place it over the box you've made. Copy these elements and place your copy over the table (with 20/0/0/100 fill and black only stroke). The elements outside the table will trap correctly, the elements over the table will not. I say again...WTF!!!
I've attached a screen shot, the top line is outside the table region, the second line is type in a cell and the third line is a box with outlined type over the table region.
Thanks Joe for verify that I'm not the only one with the issue, as I said AWS says its doesn't happen for them.