I am fairly new to the whole Odystar thing having just landed a job as IT manager, but already I can see it's potential. Currently we have a few canvases set up, all of which are working well, but are quite linear in design.
All of the information about our jobs is contained in our MIS job database - ie stock, size, designated printer etc etc. What I would like to do is create Odystar gateways that use this data. The name of the PDF (123456.pdf) would relate to the job number in the MIS (Job No. 123456). As the PDF is moving through the canvas and reaches a certain gateway it could then be routed depending on which stock it is going on for instance.
I hope I'm making sense! Can any of you shed any light as to how I'd go about this? Would I query the database at the gateway or would I push an XML file through with the job. I have no idea.
Any help or even any basic hints would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I am fairly new to the whole Odystar thing having just landed a job as IT manager, but already I can see it's potential. Currently we have a few canvases set up, all of which are working well, but are quite linear in design.
All of the information about our jobs is contained in our MIS job database - ie stock, size, designated printer etc etc. What I would like to do is create Odystar gateways that use this data. The name of the PDF (123456.pdf) would relate to the job number in the MIS (Job No. 123456). As the PDF is moving through the canvas and reaches a certain gateway it could then be routed depending on which stock it is going on for instance.
I hope I'm making sense! Can any of you shed any light as to how I'd go about this? Would I query the database at the gateway or would I push an XML file through with the job. I have no idea.
Any help or even any basic hints would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!