Re: pdf file
I understand there may several ways to see what the resolution of an image is, but the advantage of seeing what the job options were is you can tell what the customer did to the file.
Is that image 72 dpi because it's that way in the source doc or did the customer apply downsampling in their job options? you don't know and that is what the preflight doesn't tell you. That information can be very helpful when dealing with novice customers.
Customers do some weird stuff with files, so having as much information as possible is critical in determining what might need to be done to fix the file.
I can easily tell if a file is bad, but finding out why is what I struggle with, when dealing with PDF's.
> {quote:title=leonardr wrote:}{quote}
> Whether the file was created by Distiller or not, and using what Job
> Option file, isn't useful - since more and more PDFs are NOT produced
> using Distiller but either "Direct Export" from authoring tools (such as
> Adobe Creative Suite) or using server-based workflow solutions.
Almost all these programs have the same basic options (compression, font embedding/subsetting, downsampling) those are the more critical pieces of information for us, why not include that information in the document info