Plates Blinding


Well-known member
We recently installed a new Screen 6600 platesetter and have been trying to make the Fuji Ecomaxx-T plates work in our shop. The problems began as blinding in the cyan unit only any time they stopped for anything, upon starting back up most of the time the highlight dots would disappear and streaks would show up across the plate where you could see they had wiped the plate with something. It has now progressed on to other units as well, as many as all four one time, and only once has cleaning the plates up as good as we can worked, otherwise we've had to re-image new plates. We are using the plate cleaner we were given and now are using their fountain solution and sub. We've told the pressmen to clean with the cleaner, rinse and then gum (UPC), then we tried only gumming with Fuji gum we used to use in our conventional plate processor and we still have blinding.

Anyone else have this problem or know of any certain solutions to try? The best luck we've had with restarts is to just leave the plates with ink on them and not touch them during short stops or lunches but this probably isn't a good overnight practice huh? Although they did do that once for a test and they started back up the next day pretty good.



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