Positive and Negative Plates for production


Hi all.

We're a newspaper printer and currently we're using an Agfa violet CTP printing on positive Silver. We are planning to migrate to a Kodak thermal environment very soon. But from what I know Kodak plates are negative working.

With this setup we would like to know what problems we may be facing using both negative (Kodak CTP) and positive plates (Agfa CTP) at the same time. What are our options. We have one press calibration curve enabled in the RIP.


In a newspaper environment, you shouldn't see a difference. That is assuming that when the thermal system is installed, they help you properly calibrate. Since you are running a single curve for all your work it should be relatively simple.

The only time it might be a bit of an issue is if you are trying to color match the same image in different sections run on the different plates. Since you didn't say what your goals are, I am assuming that as in most newspapers deadline is more important than quality anyways?
Hi Sandpiper,
During your installation and set up Kodak/Dealer will work with you to set up press curve to as close the Agfa plate product as possible.
You are correct that the Kodak Thermal Newspaper plates are negative imaging and that the press curve will be different to that probably set up for the Agfa silver product.
Since you are only running with one curve as BillJ stated should make it simpler.

Hi all.

We're a newspaper printer and currently we're using an Agfa violet CTP printing on positive Silver. We are planning to migrate to a Kodak thermal environment very soon. But from what I know Kodak plates are negative working.

With this setup we would like to know what problems we may be facing using both negative (Kodak CTP) and positive plates (Agfa CTP) at the same time. What are our options. We have one press calibration curve enabled in the RIP.


I agree - Pos. or Neg. as long as the values on the plate are the same as before, however, now would be a great time to develop the separate (K_C_M_Y) curves based on SNAP or IFRA numbers for gray balance.
Dan Remaley
As a regular participants in WAN-Ifra competitions we are using curves based on ISO 12647-3. Thanks to all of you for your great responses. We will closely coordinate with Kodak suppliers in this regard.


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