Re: Pre-Seperations file with collections for output preflighting
The real issue here is that the main client thinks he gets a locked file format provided to the printer.
Because we are folding carton, arguably a specialty form of printing, we use only a separated native file workflow. Why? There are a myriad of reasons. For example, when foiling, embossing, metallic colors are used, a composite workflow can be a nightmare although it doesn't have to be. If the creator is smart enough to provide these items split apart from his 'composite', it can work. But most have no clue how to do this. We continue to want native files because in 98% of the jobs, we must tear down the builds and rebuild to accommodate production finishing equipment, recycled cardboard, nestied flaps, impositions that vary everytime so templates are useless, wrapping face panels for thick substrates (>24pt board) and the list goes on an on.
Once the client insists on locked files and is foolish enough to think pdf is a totally locked format, then that pdf arriving as a separated pdf (basically a multiple page B&W) fits the native separated workflow well. And the file must be trapped beforehand. Yes, you cannot edit, yes you cannot change colors etc but that gives the client the 'safety' feeling and is the beauty of it. So what, it works.
I won't argue that composite is de rigeur because it is. But I am always disgusted when someone on this forum says you should not deal with such a printer if they appear to be so 'out of fashion' . Indeed that forum poster has no damn clue what they are talking about and I qualify; in some cases indeed such as ours.
BTW, just because the B&W separated pdf pages appear visuably to be clean and perfect, they can still house transparency and screw up the job plus it again depends on how they are made and how they are used and that can be via composite workflow too! Give me native everytime and I can make you money.
Also, I have to say I prefer my HqRip to just about anything else out there. I have taken my doozies to all viable vendors to see their latest workflows etc and they nearly all screw up or require time wasting workarounds which kill efficiency compared to my tried and true native file methods.
John W
The real issue here is that the main client thinks he gets a locked file format provided to the printer.
Because we are folding carton, arguably a specialty form of printing, we use only a separated native file workflow. Why? There are a myriad of reasons. For example, when foiling, embossing, metallic colors are used, a composite workflow can be a nightmare although it doesn't have to be. If the creator is smart enough to provide these items split apart from his 'composite', it can work. But most have no clue how to do this. We continue to want native files because in 98% of the jobs, we must tear down the builds and rebuild to accommodate production finishing equipment, recycled cardboard, nestied flaps, impositions that vary everytime so templates are useless, wrapping face panels for thick substrates (>24pt board) and the list goes on an on.
Once the client insists on locked files and is foolish enough to think pdf is a totally locked format, then that pdf arriving as a separated pdf (basically a multiple page B&W) fits the native separated workflow well. And the file must be trapped beforehand. Yes, you cannot edit, yes you cannot change colors etc but that gives the client the 'safety' feeling and is the beauty of it. So what, it works.
I won't argue that composite is de rigeur because it is. But I am always disgusted when someone on this forum says you should not deal with such a printer if they appear to be so 'out of fashion' . Indeed that forum poster has no damn clue what they are talking about and I qualify; in some cases indeed such as ours.
BTW, just because the B&W separated pdf pages appear visuably to be clean and perfect, they can still house transparency and screw up the job plus it again depends on how they are made and how they are used and that can be via composite workflow too! Give me native everytime and I can make you money.
Also, I have to say I prefer my HqRip to just about anything else out there. I have taken my doozies to all viable vendors to see their latest workflows etc and they nearly all screw up or require time wasting workarounds which kill efficiency compared to my tried and true native file methods.
John W