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Presstek Anthem Pro plates


New member
I can't take much more of this...

I'm fed-up with laser zone banding and spots in the plate coating. Totally fed-up.

I know you can run Azura plates on this Dimension, but Presstek get a bit funny over the service contract if you do.

Has anybody in UK made the switch? And what did you do about servicing/spares?

Thanks in advance guys.

No names, no pack-drill... ;)

Best regards



So you have a Presstek machine and you wish to use another manufactures plates? You have a service contract with them? Does the contract state you must use only our supplies to produce plates on your machine?
You do realize that Presstek is based on proprietary supplies and service right? Before anyone buys a Presstek machine they should have a lawyer go over the documents and agreement before signing.
Good luck with Presstek
Won't you still have the same problems with the Azura plate? The zone banding is caused by the lasers, right?

I'm using the Dimension 800 with Anthem plates and am getting ready to replace the whole setup with Agfa. Can't happen soon enough!
Thanks for the replies guys.

I've had a chance to cool off now! Sometimes it just helps to let off steam. :)

Of course, you're both right.

I'm just gonna have to bide my time until this ctp is 'end of life', and take the spots, dust and lasers in my stride. As I have for the last five plus years. :(

...at least I've still got a job!

Our press guys will be glad to see the back of these plates too. I'm inclined to go with Agfa too, DC. When we were looking around 6 years ago, the :'\[Azura was still in beta testing and Agfa didn't have a B2 drum ctp. Different situation now. And I can get Azuras much cheaper than Anthems. Just need to bide my time!

Best wishes
Presstek Anthem Pro Plates

Presstek Anthem Pro Plates


When you are ready, you might want to look at Kodak Magnus 800 CTP system with Kodak Thermal Direct Non Process Plates. Moving to a non process plate technology will take the rinse step out of your platemaking process, not add a clean out unit if you go with competition and solve your current issues.

Derek, what kind of contrast is on Kodak's processless plates these days? Is the plate able to be taken off of the Magnus and read with a plate reader for quality control purposes? Can I look at the plate and clearly see the image, or is it not until it is hung on the press and run for a few rotations? Last time I looked into it it was the latter.

To me, the ability to inspect the plate thoroughly before giving it to the pressman is paramount. I would hate to have a speck of dust on the drum causing a hotspot that I don't find out about until the pressman is making ready.
Presstek Anthem Pro Plates

Presstek Anthem Pro Plates


Kodak Thermal Direct Non Process Plates produce a distinct enough image to easily read text down to 12 points. With this capability plate identification is not an issue.

When it comes to the issue of measuring the plates, the arguement which will almost certainly continue this thread, states that the need to measure plates is required only when there is process variation in platemaking typically from processors or chemistry. With Thermal Direct Plates, these variables have been eliminated. With the stability of Kodak Thermal CTP Imaging devices and even more so with Kodak SQUAREspot technology combined with the stability of Thermal Direct Plates you are able print sucessfully without having to measure the plate.

Additionally Kodak dynamic autofocus technology tracks the surface of the plate to maintain exact laser focus, exposure, and pixel size as the drum rotates. This technology enables stable and consistent imaging, even if there are slight variations in the surface of the plate or dirt on or behind the plate, reducing the chance of hotspots and image artifacts leading to plate remakes.


With Thermal Direct Plates, these variables have been eliminated. With the stability of Kodak Thermal CTP Imaging devices and even more so with Kodak SQUAREspot technology combined with the stability of Thermal Direct Plates you are able print sucessfully without having to measure the plate.

Additionally Kodak dynamic autofocus technology tracks the surface of the plate to maintain exact laser focus, exposure, and pixel size as the drum rotates. This technology enables stable and consistent imaging, even if there are slight variations in the surface of the plate or dirt on or behind the plate, reducing the chance of hotspots and image artifacts leading to plate remakes.


So, it sounds like ThermalDirect is designed to work best within
a tightly controlled, highly sophisticated process and system.

With Azura, the wide system latitude is built into the plate.

The more I read these threads, the conclusion seems to be
that when all else fails, it's finally time to switch to Azura.

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Presstek Anthem Pro Plates

Presstek Anthem Pro Plates


I think you jumped in a little too quick on this one. I am not sure how you came to those conclusions but I have to dismiss them as your way to get a plug in.

I can offer an alternative to the azura plate.
We consistently have installed Dot Works Thermal green plates in all the dimension. No issues have been reported. Laser power is often reduced to the 40% level. Dot Works pays for the conversion process. Plates often exceed 60,000 impressions consistently. I’ve been working with the Presstek line as a technician in Hawaii for over 15 years. And I am absolutely on the T-Grn plates. Randy-808-202-0074
The issues with banding are a direct result of improper laser settings. I’ve battled this off and on on for five years.
I developed a test target that simplify’s the Calibration. The wormdens target, is extremely hard to use with anything other than the anthem pro.
I have now installed and help others over a dozen times in the last six months. I began with installing the thermal green plate. Which is a duplicate in many ways to the zoo were up lat I have now installed and helped others over a dozen times in the last six months. I began with installing the thermal green plate. Which is a duplicate in many way to the Azura plate.
Many people have continue to have issues with the Azura, And Presstek new anthem elite family.
obviously I am a technician, but offer my services if you are in need of help. I am a certified Presstek repair technician, with a now-defunct local dealer.
Randy 808-202-0074
I have installed the Azura style plates in over 5 installation. And have had nothing but fantastic results. The thermal green plate from Dot Works has performed flawlessly. Latser’s have remained stable with little or no adjustment in over four months.
I grant you the initial adjustment are a bit touchy, but then any multi laser system deals with that.
I would be happy to consult with anybody with Presstek units. Randy 808-202-0074


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