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Quark center coordinates


Well-known member
Hi, I have a couple of jobs done in Quark and I need them to be centered in a few different page sizes. I do not use Quark that often and am wondering what the easiest way to figure out the center coordinates in the pages. It looks like Quark marks the X and Y coordinates with the upper left hand corner of the object and I am used to Illustrator using the center of the object, so I am a little confused! Thanks in advance!
What version of Quark are you using? I thought recent versions allowed you to change your coordinates location of selected items. Otherwise it's time to get your calculator out and do some math :)
Will this do what you want?

Will this do what you want?

Shift-Command M in Quark will automatically center a graphic in its box.
Since Adobe owns the rights to the transform pallet, you'll never see it in Quark. Either move the ruler guides to the center and eyeball it, or do as Cory suggested and get out the calculator. This is just one of the many reasons people have moved on to InDesign.
Easy ways to center an item on the page

Easy ways to center an item on the page

This is just one of the many reasons people have moved on to InDesign.

Oh, please! Shall we list the many reasons that people don't "move on" to InDesign? Sheesh...

Anyway, I can think of a couple of ways to do what you need to do:

1. Press Command-0 (that's a zero) to fit the page in your window. Then Cut the item(s) you want to center on the page. Paste the items and they will appear in the center of that page.

2. Or, draw a box the size of the page, then use the alignment buttons on the Measurements palette to align your item to that box. You may want to temporarily lock that page-sized box first.

- Jay Nelson
Editor & Publisher
Design Tools Monthly
podcast: http://www.designtoolsweekly.com
"Oh, please! Shall we list the many reasons that people don't "move on" to InDesign? Sheesh..."
Sure go for it. How anyone could use an application that still doesn't support the export of unflattened transparency, is beyond me. Perhaps you can enlighten me?
If you read the original posters question again you will see they wanted the center coordinates not to move to center. Quark still measures everything from the upper left, Adobe applications let you decide where the measurement origin will be.
You can drag your image box to the very bottom very right of your layout, go to the x y coordinates in the measurements pallet, put your cursor beside the numbers in the x box and put /2 after the numbers (divided by two) do the same for the y. there is also a tool for quark called xpert align. that you have to purchase.
ditto. what tracy said. We've used this method for years for jobs we've done for Communicolor that needed everthing centered. Just be careful though that the top and left sides of your boxes are aligned with or within the outermost upper or left point. (If you have a picture box, for example, that is open so far to the left of everything, that it will not center correctly when you apply the /2 to the measurement).


create a pdf of the job you're working on and bring it into quark in a picture box that's the same size as the page size and hit ctrl-shift-m to center the pdf in the picture box.
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Once you have a pdf file change the media boxes with Pitstop to suit your needs. (Thats if you have a copy to hand!)

Regards, John.
RR Donnelley

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