Re: Ready to get OUT of the business ...
I share your collective pain, and at times have gone further than just mumbling under my breath about how idiotic "designers" are about file prep. But each time this occurs I remind myself that each individual in the process shares the same goals, to get the job printed and to get paid for the work. That crappy designer just wants to get the job done and get paid. The sales person that brought the job in just wants to get the job finished and get paid. The owner, the pressman, the cutter operator, even us in prepress just want to get the job out of the door and get paid.
These are not lofty goals. It's not Earth science or quantum physics, it's just printing. We owe everything to the sales people that bring these crappy jobs in, they're keeping us employed. We wouldn't be kept on the payroll to play Freecell all day if the work wasn't here. And I wouldn't change places with the owner for anything. Consider for one second the stress that they are under to make equipment payments, pay taxes, pay for the building and utilities, oh, and make payroll, too. Makes my job pretty cut and dry; fix the files and get them to press. Yes, sometimes I'll have to talk "designers" through the file prep stage, but that's sort of fun anyway and I'll charge for my time. All of the education we dole out comes at a price, and someone's going to have to pay for it. If any of you guys have jobs you don't want to tackle, send them to me, we'll get them printed and make a little profit. That's what we do.
By the way, I realize this sounded a little wasn't suppose to. I realize, too, that this was a gripe session, and that we all deserve to get a few things off our chest from time to time. But we should think about who we're taking pot shots at before we bite the hand that feeds us. Yes?