Resize Spine || Pitstop Pro 2019 || Action || Automation

To resize a PDF page using Pitstop, create a new action list and in the list of available commands, type "Trim Box". In the list of filtered results you'll see "Change Trim Box". You'll likely need to change the other PDF page boxes to meet your needs which are: Media Box, Crop Box, Bleed Box, and Art Box (each of which is a separate Action List command).

Best regards,
To resize a PDF page using Pitstop, create a new action list and in the list of available commands, type "Trim Box". In the list of filtered results you'll see "Change Trim Box". You'll likely need to change the other PDF page boxes to meet your needs which are: Media Box, Crop Box, Bleed Box, and Art Box (each of which is a separate Action List command).

Best regards,
Thanks for it but need resize spine can you make a action for me. It will be big help.
We resize spines often when our client doesn't have the time to get their (most often freelance) designers to adjust it. We'll usually make an InDesign document with the correct spine width, place the original PDF as 3 separate picture boxes for the front, back and spine. Depending on the complexity or simplicity of the artwork, we may be able to shrink or stretch the spine to fit.

The PitStop action will resize the Trim Box, but as far as I know it does not have the ability to recognize the art/copy that's on the spine, and adjust it on its own to the proper width.
We resize spines often when our client doesn't have the time to get their (most often freelance) designers to adjust it. We'll usually make an InDesign document with the correct spine width, place the original PDF as 3 separate picture boxes for the front, back and spine. Depending on the complexity or simplicity of the artwork, we may be able to shrink or stretch the spine to fit.

The PitStop action will resize the Trim Box, but as far as I know it does not have the ability to recognize the art/copy that's on the spine, and adjust it on its own to the proper width.
Thank you for your reply, But it is possible to make this actions, I have basic idea how to do this but dont have enough knowledge of pitstop all action command to make it. Please visit this video some make it .


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