Seeking Help Choosing a Printing Machine

I am wanting to turn around flyers, brochures, biz cards, etc... within 24 hours

anyone know of a good quality toner based or digital machine that can do this that will not break the bank?

Hi Printingalone,

There are no cheap options really.

Running a digital press is expensive!

I would opt for a pay per click basis though and get a good rate - 4p per SRA3 side is the best I have seen so far.

8p + VAT then for duplex SRA3 sheet, 2p per A5 flyer plus paper costs.

Expect to service the machine often! And be prepared for faults!

A pay-per-click digital print operating company will sevice, replace toners etc inclusive in the rental charge and click rate.

Richo, Ikon many others....

Good luck!

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