Thanks everyone, I did find a way to select the marks and change them to All color. However, I basically traded one issue for another. So maybe I am trying to fix the wrong thing. So let me explain what is going on and maybe someone out there can say "It would be easier if you would just do this."
We are getting files from the customer as imposed press sheet size pdf files, that are generated out of Esko Automation Engine 14, complete with trim/fold marks for there workflow.
Files are Black and X number of PMS colors. The marks are defined as DeviceN (SPOT + process colors)
If I rip (Fuji XMF) the files as they are, all the marks trap. Black is normal and the spot colors shrink. This makes registration difficult.
If I select the marks, and change them to Registration color, the the rip does not trap them, but I end up with CMYK + Spot plates. I know I can just turn the CMY plates off in XMF and all is good. But, as always, I am striving for the most complete automated solution.
Any ideas?