• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Sm52-2 Heidelberg


Please help me about it
I am have problem for machine sm 52 -2
The air compressor no off
And the machine have air but the flash yellow on the machine no closed
And I am change the prucher switch
But the problem same no change
If you have a leak the compressor will stay on until the circuit breaker blows. There should be a pressure guage on the compressor. It needs to get to 10 milli bar for it to shut off. If the pressure switch goes above 14 and does not shut off you should call a technician in. If the pressure release valve is not working the unit could blow up.

I would let the compressor run for a minute or two then shut the press off and listen around the press for an air leak.
Hello sir
Thank you for your massage
The machine no have any leak and the machine have air
Only machine tell no air and air compressor not shut off
And flash yellow no stop
check the pressure guage inside the feeder door make sure you are getting air to the press. also if the press loses air pressure while on ( such as unplugging a hose) you must restart(power cycle) the press or the compressor will continue running.
it's look like same problem with our SM-52-4
the pneumatic air compressor doesn't shut off at our SM-52-4
we clean a pressure switch and sensor at that compressor from condensation of water
and it work at our SM-52-4


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