Ok here's something a little different... usually these discussions are centered around repairing or dealing with issues that printing presses throw at us.. but its time for a little entertainment.. lets talk about the times when it seemed the world had ended, when you had to make THAT call to the manager, then the press engineer, regarding the "strange clunking noise" or "the paper goes in but does not come out" or "it went BAAANG GRRRRUUUNNNCH CLUNK and stopped.."
Ive seen a few big smashes, some human error, some metal fatigue, some just strange kind of "well i'll be f**cked" situations... and at the time your heart stops your stomach sinks and the world gets very very heavy... but once fixed and all is well they are times you can have a bit of a laugh about....
Most recent for me was runnin a Roland Rekord, a press that was ok for its time but well outdated by the time i got to work with it and had been round the clock a few times.. it was a 4/0 or 2/2 configuration, and one friday evening with around 1000 runs left in a job before weekend washup it dropped a tumbler gripper thru the 2nd unit, creating some interesting crunch baang grrrrrr noises and damaging 1 impression cylinder, 2 plate cylinders and 2 blanket cylinders.. we were already starting on a friday arvo beers and were somewhat... dismayed....
as it turned out a tumbler gripper had simply worn out and chosen that moment to fall thru so no one to blame... but its still not a good call to make to the boss to tell him "the machine boss she is broke!!" The press was down for about a week getting repairs and a new jacket fitted to the impression cyl... so it wasn't the end of the world just a bit of a fright!
So throw in your stories about the memorable days that stand out amongst the general "groundhog" days; the days when it all went wrong...
Ive seen a few big smashes, some human error, some metal fatigue, some just strange kind of "well i'll be f**cked" situations... and at the time your heart stops your stomach sinks and the world gets very very heavy... but once fixed and all is well they are times you can have a bit of a laugh about....
Most recent for me was runnin a Roland Rekord, a press that was ok for its time but well outdated by the time i got to work with it and had been round the clock a few times.. it was a 4/0 or 2/2 configuration, and one friday evening with around 1000 runs left in a job before weekend washup it dropped a tumbler gripper thru the 2nd unit, creating some interesting crunch baang grrrrrr noises and damaging 1 impression cylinder, 2 plate cylinders and 2 blanket cylinders.. we were already starting on a friday arvo beers and were somewhat... dismayed....
So throw in your stories about the memorable days that stand out amongst the general "groundhog" days; the days when it all went wrong...