The Job Application


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Got one piece of advice for you, lady. Don't automatically toss the ones who don't have a college degree. You'll be much better off with experienced people.
So much better off. My new job interview question is "tell me about a building or crafting project you recently finished." If they haven't built anything or aren't in some way crafty with their hands their ability to understand printing outcomes is likely to be low. I need people who know how to think about what the customer might want vs. what they actually sent. Someone who has actually had to figure something out on their own is going to be more likely to know how to actively problem solve.
For safety and insurance reasons we aren't allowed to have non-employees near the presses when they are running.
I was waiting for someone to get around to the ole liability and safety angle. Ya never know when that press is going to throw a fanatney rod and strike a non-employee...............
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