The Test


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718 The Test.jpg
Terminate me, and, I'll sue! The ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) says you cant discriminate against me for medical reasons or handicaps.
Probability of color deficiency in men is about 1 out of 12, 8%.

And for women it's 1 out of 200.
Considering that most professional print buyers are female, that might cause a bit of a color communication disconnect during a press approvals.

An old RE:print:

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And for women it's 1 out of 200.
Considering that most professional print buyers are female, that might cause a bit of a color communication disconnect during a press approvals.
".......... I'm NOT looking for pink, I'm looking for LUSCIOUS..........."
I think it's critical that anyone in the business of color reproduction be tested for color discrimination using the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Color Vision Hue Test. If nothing else to help them uncover any difficiencies in their ability to discriminate hue differences. (sidebar: the some of the engineers working on color solutions at Creo some to take the test)


The testing should be done in tandem with learning to use the correct terminology to describe color. I cringe every time a press operator says "blue" when they mean "cyan".
Once had a debate for a good 5 minutes over an ink colour before he came clean and confessed he was "a bit" colour blind. He went on to tell me he distinguished stop lights by the lights position on the pole—not by the colour, because he couldn't tell them apart. He had difficulty with reds, greens & similar.

At another large shop owners jumped at an introductory reduced rate to convert all lighting to using less power consumption. Didn't need to be a genius to foretell how that would work out.
Sure enough; before too long word came down that several customers had mentioned their colours not matching correctly.
Owners insisted that the power company had informed them that the amount of light was identical to before the conversion (and they stood by that), when a moron could clearly see that it wasn't.
I cringe every time a press operator says "blue" when they mean "cyan".
Back in the time, when I was working in a printshop, I had try to explain this difference to my colleagues…
But how could you explain that difference to somebody who doesn't want to understand, arguing that the ink pots that I called "cyan" where marked "Quadri Blue" by the manufacturer ???
And the second one never wanted neither to understand nor believe me when I explained him that the CMYK printing works with subtractive colour system, believing and claiming that it is an additive colour system because we add multiple layers of ink on the paper !!!
It is an understatement to say that those times where difficult…
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2 for me, use to be able to get zero, (blames old horrid cheap monitor)


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Got a 2 also.
I'll take that as a sign it's time for me to retire. Although I said that yesterday too when I told myself, if this customer can't add the proper bleed to their file after 3 tries, I'm retiring.


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