UV Curable and Stay-Open Ink Recommendations


New member
Hey guys, I'm in the process of evaluating new vendors and I was hoping you could recommend some quality ink suppliers. I run a few offset presses that use UV and conventional ink. I've had some issues with my current vendor on the consistency of their UV ink, in that it does not always cure.

Additionally, any brands of 'stay-open' ink that you might now of would be great. I'm using a stay open ink that is activated once it goes through the water rollers, and it works great. But I would really like to stop using this vendor.
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G14 your going to get as many recommendations of good ink suppliers as you would if you had asked what sheetfed press is the best!
I have in the past used Sun, Flint, Wikoff, INX, Sipca, Hostmann and a few other lesser knowns and to be honest any cure issues have been minimal and more often than not it was due to some of the following issues.
UV Lamps needed replacing or someone tried to save money on less efficient lamps.
Dirty reflectors.
Running the press too fast
Too much water in the ink.
Ink film thickness to great
Someone tried to reduce the ink but failed to use UV reducer.
Ink company failed to put correct photo-initiator in the ink
Initiator package was not correct for the type of ink.
I know that doesnt really answer your question does it?
The curing issues vary from one can to the next. We've cranked up the lamps and slowed down the press and still get wet ink. Then the next can is perfect.

I've tried to work this out with our vendor but they did not seem interested.
UV Radiation curable inks are supposed to be made on designated equipment at the ink suppliers plant. They sometimes colour code additives/Equipment so that Conventional ink raw material doesn't get put into Radiation inks by mistake. Why not ask for an audit of your ink suppliers manufacturing plant/procedures. Might be an issue if they are located thousands of miles away though.


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