We schedule by press, then by due date, but we do try to gang up runs with similar colors, or int he case of the 4-color work, coatings and papers.
We use Presidio by Printers Software.
Printers Software Inc - Print Management Software - Print Estimating - Print Job Costing- Print MIS And, no, I am not associated with them, but we have tried a LOT of different MIS and estimating systems, including Morning Flight, Franklin Estimating, and demo'd pretty much every other one I could find.
The reasons we chose Presidio:
1. Everything in their software is modular. You can use as much or as little of it as you want, and you can add/remove parts at any time. We wanted a management system more than an estimating system, but soo many of the ones we looked at were estimating systems that sort of did scheduling and management. With Presidio we actually started with their Job Control Module, and included Scheduling & Shipping and nothing else.
2. You have the option of buying outright or paying month-month subscription with no locked in contract. This was especially appealing because we could try the software for a bit and not be locked into a huge investment if it didn't work. When we decided that this was indeed the program we wanted, my boss did the math, and decided that month-month was WAY better cost wise in the long run. And actually, it seems they prefer that option anyways.
3. Job Control was COMPLETELY customizable. There are only a few things that we have found that it can't do. And the guys have been really GREAT about fielding suggestions. Some things can be changed right away, some things we have suggested have been changed in the main software release for everyone.
4. The support was really good. They respond quickly everytime I have had any problems and have been great!
Down to how we use it in the shop...
The Job Control we use as a digital job ticket, we could customize it with fields and info specific to our shop. It's basic, but works pretty good for a shop that is transitioning from all hand written job tickets. I did have to customize it a good bit on our end to print out the job tickets in a format my boss liked, although there really wasn't anything wrong with their canned ticket. But one of the main things my boss wanted was for the ticket to look and layout almost identical to what our handwritten tickets did. I also dabble in web development and database management, so I was able to use Crystal Reports to modify the report with a bit of help from the support guys to get the result we wanted.
The Shipping has been great for deliveries and such. It also can link with UPS to feed tracking info right back into the software. The shipping tickets and such are much easier to customize, it uses Microsoft Word data merge files to generate the forms, which (as long as the job ticket is filled out correctly) has GREATLY reduced delivery errors. They'll create your first one for you, and help at anytime as you're customizing your own. With my coding background I was able to do really fancy stuff like automating Julien dating for one customer so that our shipping girls didn't have to try to figure it out everytime. It also has some neat features that will auto figure box counts and labels needed based on what you put in for total quantity, and per box quantity. It even auto figures if you'll have a partial box.
The Scheduling has been a great help although some of our department heads are struggling with using it. When you generate a job, you create what they call "milestones" it's job lines for the different departments the job will be going through, you can schedule date, length of time the job will take in each department, and add notes specific to the department. Then in the scheduling section, each department as their own schedule where they can see upcoming unscheduled jobs, "past due" jobs, and what the upcoming schedule is. you can also pull a report (if you are using the job time) with a department schedule load that will show you how much of the allotted daily time is scheduled. so that you can plan over time, or adjust things.
the other modules that they have that we don't use are estimating, paper inventory management (it has a daily report that you can pull for what paper you need to order for upcoming jobs), job time management and logging, Quickbooks integration, Web-to-Print system integration, I think there was a bunch more, but I can't remember them all off the top of my head.
One of the slight drawbacks, is that each department then needed a workstation computer to access the system, and there isn't any remote access for it. Neither was a huge issue for my shop. The software is very light on a computer, and we had a bunch of older retired PCs that we used. For any computer that is going to be generating shipping tickets and labels you need to have full version Word.
We have tried so many systems, even had the magnetic "job Board" and this has been a great improvement over everything else we have tried. If you have any other questions, feel free to drop me a message.