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Zoo Printing W2P


Anyone have an opinion on the "free" Zoo Printing W2P application? Our production is strictly short run digital and we broker offset work so it appears it might be a viable solution for us.
Thanks for your help.
Zoo Printing

Zoo Printing

We have used them for a while now mostly for BC cards and postcards and have been quite happy. We have had some production delays and have stopped promising the rush turnarounds. We starting using the the next day turnaround but still promise a 5 day turnaround and in most cases meet the deadlines and dont look stupid due to someone else's late delivery error. In our case, our in house production overlaps what they do and could have been a conflict if we used their free site. Also check out eoncode.com. Same idea but you control the vendor.
4over redtag

4over redtag

Before deciding i would compare with 4over's red tag project which is the same concept. I like their service and selection of products better but really like the once a week free delivery and cheap, quick shipping I get here in NY.
I am also interested in both so please let us know what you decide and why.

Before deciding i would compare with 4over's red tag project which is the same concept. I like their service and selection of products better but really like the once a week free delivery and cheap, quick shipping I get here in NY.
I am also interested in both so please let us know what you decide and why.


I am a 4over customer and still have no idea what the point of RedTag is...all I know is that supposedly "We asked for it and we got it"...that doesn't tell us much. I signed up for the updates before it was launched, received very little information, and now it is launched I don't see anything but a online print shop owned by 4over.
I am a 4over customer and still have no idea what the point of RedTag is...all I know is that supposedly "We asked for it and we got it"...that doesn't tell us much. I signed up for the updates before it was launched, received very little information, and now it is launched I don't see anything but a online print shop owned by 4over.

From what I understand it is their push to go retail. Last time i checked they were supposed to be trade only. It seems they want to use this to compete against resellers. I started looking for different trade printers and found Accela Print. Personally I like them better.

Hope this helps.
I've been trying to figure out the whole Red Tag deal, as well as the loyalty program. Google "4over red tag" and you find all sorts of stuff, good and bad. That's how I found this thread. I ran across this earlier today.

What is RedTagPrintSale?

This is an interesting FAQ,

Q. I thought 4over was trade only, now it sells to the consumers?

4over continues to be a trade printer. Redtagprintsale.com is the entity that sells to the consumers; 4over is the printer chosen to fulfill the orders for Redtagprintsale.com.
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4Over = RedTag

4Over = RedTag

I've been trying to figure out the whole Red Tag deal, as well as the loyalty program. Google "4over red tag" and you find all sorts of stuff, good and bad. That's how I found this thread. I ran across this earlier today.

What is RedTagPrintSale?

This is an interesting FAQ,

Q. I thought 4over was trade only, now it sells to the consumers?

4over continues to be a trade printer. Redtagprintsale.com is the entity that sells to the consumers; 4over is the printer chosen to fulfill the orders for Redtagprintsale.com.

What the heck are you talking about??? 4Over does NOT do fulfillment for RedTagPrintSale, that is simply one of their websites. Check your info - I don't know where you go that from.
4 Over versus Zoo - Red Tag - explained

4 Over versus Zoo - Red Tag - explained

Before deciding i would compare with 4over's red tag project which is the same concept. I like their service and selection of products better but really like the once a week free delivery and cheap, quick shipping I get here in NY.
I am also interested in both so please let us know what you decide and why.


You, sir, are greatly misinformed. It is not the same concept AT ALL. I have personal knowledge of and experience with both. Read on for the differences.

Zoo gives you a private label site produces by Eon Code which is pre-populated with their product. You determine the markup based on the very low margins they give you to choose from (at least it was that way when they launched it). When someone places an order, the payment goes to you and the artwork goes to Zoo. You have to then review the artwork and make your payment at your discounted rate to Zoo. The problem is that you cannot make bulk price changes or set markup based on item type. Every product, quantity and configuration is a different product. If you want to change all of your prices by 1%, i you would literally have to go in and make thousands of price changes on-by-one.

RedTag is 4Over's way to ruin your business. It is a despicable program and enough to make me leave them. I have been a very loyal reseller of their's for years, but this is a game changer. Here is how it really works: They have a site that takes retail orders (from anyone, including customers they may have gone to you or maybe your current customers). They then, supposedly, distribute those sales to members of the program (for now, I have no reason to think they don't , but how would we know?) All sounds good so far, BUT here is the catch - take a look at the prices. You might make 10% and in some cases much less. You might argue, "who cares? It is found money". Not so fast - you now own all of the customer service problems. They cannot contact 4Over. Even though 4Over got the money directly, you are their only point of contact. You may have made $3 selling a set of business cards or nothing selling a banner, but they gave you a customer. They will argue that the customer is now yours so you can make money with other business with them. Right, except they will always look at Red Tag pricing which makes you nothing and maybe the next time they order they order through the site again since that is how they got to you in the first place, then they go to some other printer (though 4Over may keep track and send them back to you, this I am unsure about). Either way, they are controlling the pricing, not you. If you leave the program, what do you think will happen?

Here is the bottom line, and if you take away one thing, take this away: 4Over came up with a plan on how to start selling retail without having to deal with the headaches of retail. They still make the same amount of money as if they sold through a broker. They are attempting to price-fix the market since now they will be your competition. They think that their brokers are so stupid that they could not see through this garbage. Anyone who joins this program is an absolute fool. 4Over says this is to compete with Vista Print - this is BS, Vista Print sells garbage - that is not my market. My market are customers who want better quality.

4Over is trying to steal your business and your time - if you are a broker with them, write to them and let them know what you think of this nonsense. Zoo is better, but is still trying to keep your profits at a minimum. Both of them want you to pay for this privilege. You could not pay ME $300 a month to join either program. I truly hope that 4Over gets rid of this before it puts them out of business because, believe me that cannot sell retail direct because their customer service can't even handle the volume of resellers they have nor do any of them care what you think, no matter how much business you give them.

I welcome your responses and inquiries - ESPECIALLY if you work for 4Over.
It is hard to fight city hall. as a long time user of 4over we have learned to live with their pluses and minuses. The review of red tag is distressing but at least it is not using the 4over name. In effect is it any different than many of the other direct to customer onl line web site we already compete with?
I agree that if as described it will turn into a negative in the long run as they currently are in a position to overwhelm the short run trade printing market. this could put a serious damper on that position.
4over.com announcing for non-trade members to to go RED TAG website. it does not make sense!

Not Trade?

Check out RED TAG site Competitive prices, Great quality and friendly dealers and staff.
Zoo and 4over prices are ~20% higher than other local printer in Los Angeles area. I was using them when I start out my broker job a year ago but hey they do free delivery!!! hmmm 20% on $2000 order is $400, I'll pick it up then :p
My understanding of redtag is that we the reseller would be listed or the buying customer would go to redtag and the local listed dealer (reseller) would get the sale. 4over controls the pricing and prints and handles everything. The customer thinks they are ordering from that local dealer (printer). I dont know the exacts as far as who handles the payments but I would assume 4over collects the money and cuts a check to the dealer once a month. 4over markets redtag but says it is to beneift the printer/ reseller/ dealer.

My only concern is 1. we the reseller dont get to control the pricing so no control over margins and 2 what happens over time if and when they do go retail all of these customers are now theirs. I could see once they get a big enough list of retail buyers they then set up 2 shops, 4over for wholesale and redtag or whatever for retail but all under the same parent company.

We see it all over it is hard to truly stay 100% trade only. Just like those that sell retail it is hard for them to keep their prices at a true retail. I see more and more online printers lowering their prices to almost to what many shops sell as wholesale. At the end of the day there still is little to no service. For us we offer service and several products we can turn around same day or next day if needed and now a days many people need it now not 1-2 weeks from now.
So what's the best company to outsource with?

We were thinking of doing Zoo's premade website but I don't want to have to manually change prices...on our e-commerce sites we can do bulk updates with excel like any other normal shopping cart site.

Also, is there anyone out there that's trade only where I can integrate the selling, proofing, etc., but pick and choose different items that I want to do in house so the trade printer gets nothing and never sees those items?
My issue with going with Zoo is that we will have to support all kinds of other printing, not just what we specialize in if we go with the hands on package, I have been on this mission for the past year and still not come up with a good partner in the W2P field.
That's a good point. We didn't mind the offerings but it makes sense that you might not want to get into certain areas.

My issue with going with Zoo is that we will have to support all kinds of other printing, not just what we specialize in if we go with the hands on package, I have been on this mission for the past year and still not come up with a good partner in the W2P field.
I am still waiting for that person to chime in on a thread somewhere saying how great it is to have Zoo's branded website and give some real world insight on how it has worked for them. I have Frank from their branded website dept. wanting to sign me up pretty bad, I got to the point where you have to pay them to move forward and have not been able to convince myself that is the direction we want to go in.

All I can think about is the time wasted having to accept peoples crappy artwork and tell them whats wrong, wait for them to resubmit it then send it to Zoo to be printed and it come back to the customer and them kick and scream it is all wrong, then who is the bad guy, ME.

If you could remove all the items but what I want to print in-house I would have jumped on Zoo's W2P a long time ago, I would even pay $2500/year for that.
Zoo Printing Is the Worst!

Zoo Printing Is the Worst!

We tried Zoo Printing for a few years. We even tried their branded website program which turned out to be a big waste of our money. Whenever there was a production hiccup (and there were many) they had a cocky attitude like our business didn't matter. So we took our business to 4over and we've been a lot happier. Zoo Printing has a good quality product but they make a lot of mistakes, they have a revolving door of staff and they won't be held accountable for their mistakes. We use 4over as our primary vendor now and ColorFX as a secondary vendor. Zoo Printing was just a bad experience.

Anyone have an opinion on the "free" Zoo Printing W2P application? Our production is strictly short run digital and we broker offset work so it appears it might be a viable solution for us.
Thanks for your help.
We are using Zoo branded website but....

We are using Zoo branded website but....

We tried Zoo Printing for a few years. We even tried their branded website program which turned out to be a big waste of our money. Whenever there was a production hiccup (and there were many) they had a cocky attitude like our business didn't matter. So we took our business to 4over and we've been a lot happier. Zoo Printing has a good quality product but they make a lot of mistakes, they have a revolving door of staff and they won't be held accountable for their mistakes. We use 4over as our primary vendor now and ColorFX as a secondary vendor. Zoo Printing was just a bad experience.

We have the private label website from Zoo. As far as a website goes, it's just fine for us. As far as sending printing to them, NO WAY. They are basically not dependable. Only good thing is their variety of envelopes. I am a broker after selling my print shop 5 months ago. We have our print shop website AND the zoo private label site. So far, we have had 1 person place a $90 order at the Zoo site, BUT, I admit we have not advertised it yet via Google Ad Words. That will be the acid test since the zoo site is not showing up until page 8.

We send all printing to 4/over like we did when we had the brick/mortar shop. All of our orders come to us from our pre-existing 11 year old website.

I believe zoo private label website is no problem for marketing just dont send printing to them. :mad:
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