• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

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  1. Lukas Engqvist

    Adobe Illustrator Link Information Mystery

    But is it not that the image will be replaced with the bounding box? Or you want to see what resolution an image is? Maybe phantasm.cs would help you where you can colour correct, map channels etc in Illy, or "open original" would be of help in your workflow?
  2. Lukas Engqvist

    Is the "Cloud" important to your company?

    There was a discussion about this, in another forum, and I hope they find a system like a "frequent flyers" so that if you tire of having your head in the clouds and want to have your feet touch ground there should be an option to cross-grade from cloud to feet-on-solid-ground versions of the...
  3. Lukas Engqvist

    Is the "Cloud" important to your company?

    The cloud is still a bit fluffy to me… like sugar candy all sweet n full of promises of instant satisfaction… what's the IT equivalent of the dentist?
  4. Lukas Engqvist

    Low Res PDFs to client

    As far as setting up the Acrobat correctly, that too is one big problem… many clients don't use Acrobat, but will rely on other PDF viewers. Here is an interesting article: PDF viewers (this is another reason why I prefer to send the customer an RGB (sRGB embedded to force CMM) that...
  5. Lukas Engqvist

    Total ink density

    Incase you haven't found them you can try the ICC profiles here rather than generating from PS. In My experience PS is much but not the perfect profile making application. colormanagement
  6. Lukas Engqvist

    Low Res PDFs to client

    @Paul I think what we are referring to here is the kind of problems that you get because customers are behaving sometimes like headless chickens. They send a file and if you bounce it back they tell you the file "has mysteriously misspelled some words… that they swear were ok when they sent...
  7. Lukas Engqvist

    Adobe Font Equivalent

    Arial unicode has the character if i understand correct. Apple also has some other alternatives, but Arial Unicode I think you can download for free. The glyph is called "LOWER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE"
  8. Lukas Engqvist

    Quark Memorial Service

    @Werby comparing layout depends on what you want to do. A layout today is usually more complicated. Possibilities give rise to new demands. It is possible to make layouts very efficiently in InDesign as long as you sit and plan beforehand. The kind of layout that can be automated or...
  9. Lukas Engqvist

    Forum Changes

    Thanks for adding the "like" option. But it feels like it takes more space? Also still trying to get used to the post icons. I don't get the blue document icon below the avatars… to me it just seems to be adding an extra vertical space and chopping up a bit more than necessary. It seems to...
  10. Lukas Engqvist

    2 sided imposition proofer

    try here Wide Format and Inkjet Discussion (Sorry should have given you the pointer the first time. It's just this "RE: Print" is the one place to just smile at ourselves, and I think you will get more/better response in a discussion)
  11. Lukas Engqvist

    Black knock out and overprinting issues in InDesign CS5 (mac)

    A "normal" workaround is to include 1% C or 1% Y in the black when you need it to knock out and don't have control over down stream of the workflow: 1 0 0 100 will still feel black but should definately knock out the red. (PS: just check that you haven't fiddled with the blending modes. You...
  12. Lukas Engqvist

    2 sided imposition proofer

    Looks like this is in the wrong forum :P
  13. Lukas Engqvist

    Indesign document says missing fonts

    The CJK (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) usually have much stronger copyright restrictions. Sometimes they even need to be installed on the RIP or converted to curves. Generating PDF or EPS with subset or converting to outlines is not unusual. For the PDF you don't need the font… but for InDesign...
  14. Lukas Engqvist

    A little print nostalgia :)

    <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/35688592?byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>Upside Down, Left To Right: A Letterpress Film from Danny Cooke on Vimeo.
  15. Lukas Engqvist

    Forum Changes

    Is this partly to make it more phone-friendly?
  16. Lukas Engqvist

    Illustrator file types

    From: Adobe FrameMaker 10 * Import graphics
  17. Lukas Engqvist

    Illustrator file types

    PDF is to be preferred, or ai would work fine for InDesign, but you say you still have FrameMaker? I think that if you may need to use FrameMaker that may drag you to EPS for compatibility. sent them to GWG.org if they protest ;)
  18. Lukas Engqvist

    Indesign CS 5.5 (bugg with clipping paths)

    This rings a bell. I remember filing a bug-report years back when I was looking into an issue where PDF's were originally placed opaque, but if the last PDF placed was transparent, then updating links would cause all updates to also be transparent. My conclusion was never to use "White" but...
  19. Lukas Engqvist

    CS 6 - costing

    You'd need to talk to Adobe on that.
  20. Lukas Engqvist

    Indesign CS 5.5 (bugg with clipping paths)

    The customer is NOT always right.... just so you know. Interesting that most printed matter has disclaimer for "print errors" but mostly it is careless mistakes from the designers that are labeled "print errors" and if there is a "print error" they want to claim that the messenger can be...


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