• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. pnamajck

    importing multiple impositions (⌘L) …

    mac-osx (ver 10.6.8) workshop (ver 5.0) prinergy (ver java-vmm (1.6.0_65) subj: importing multiple impositions (⌘L) is it possible? to import multiple impositions (*.pjtf files) at once? for the past umpteen years, i've resorted to importing impositions...
  2. pnamajck

    Prepress Tips for Designers

    really enjoyed the collaborative effort dealing with tips 'n rants … i can definitely empathize with majority of concerns in this post … veritably, come across many similar issues on routine basis. my own tip … cutbacks … throughout these 170 some...
  3. pnamajck

    prinergy-workshop process-plan description (interface) ?

    prinergy workshop am wondering if it is possible for a description to appear in the process-plan interface-window ? our it-dept has the "engine" totally blocked from our vision. pls view the following image for illustration ...
  4. pnamajck

    Find and Replace

    yep, kaiser . . . remember team-mates always share knowledge . . . thanks.
  5. pnamajck

    Acrobat keeps crashing

    keep in mind . . . this is only a work-around. save-as, but do not close, the document . . . making sure your mouse cursor is not using pit-stop's pointer tool . . . i.e. use default acrobat's "hand" tool. now close the document . . . then quit the program by...
  6. pnamajck

    Apple Security Update 2012-001 - DO NOT INSTALL!!!!

    i religiously update mac system once a week . . . have experienced no issue with preps 5.~ failing any print process. as for rosetta . . . no comment. might be such a thing that our IT department, in advance, thwarted the issue . . . we have no interaction...
  7. pnamajck

    Preps 5 help

    appreciate you sharing the knowledge, hansman . . . as kodak permeates our walls on daily level.
  8. pnamajck

    Adobe Illustrator CS5

    and . . . just when you become totally enveloped within illustrator_cs5 . . . cs6 will, supposedly, be releasing this next week. Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite 6 Launch
  9. pnamajck

    Weird Illustrator issue

    dufrank . . . 'ppreciate you getting back with us here at printplanet.com . . . and letting us know the outcome / resolution . . . this will help others in the future.
  10. pnamajck

    Pitstop Server - Embed Fonts

    kaiser_w . . . for a couple moments, let's you and i totally forget about using others' files . . . we are here to simply test "sub-folders / folder-hierarchy" . . . within pitstop_server software. choose a unique font as your test-subject . . . i'd suggest...
  11. pnamajck

    Quark Memorial Service

    yet another case-in-point . . . more proprietary crap from adobe : Lightroom 4.1 test version adds Canon 5D Mark III support | Crave - CNET " But until now, Lightroom fans who have the coveted $3,500 camera could only see its raw files by converting them into the Digital Negative format...
  12. pnamajck

    Pitstop Server - Embed Fonts

    hey, kaiser_w . . . member abc might drop by in the next day or two . . . he's been a bit strapped there at the office the last day or two. seems he's got connections with the development team there at enfocus . . . might even interpret your earlier...
  13. pnamajck

    Quark Memorial Service

    yet another slam-chunk for adobe . . . . adobe, or is it a-snow-be ? becoming as barbaric 'n proprietary as microsoft.
  14. pnamajck

    Really need feedback from Xerox 700i users (trying decide between C6000 and 700i)

    hopefully you will be singing the same song . . . 110,000 impressions from now . . . keep us abreast.
  15. pnamajck

    Introduce yourself!

    name is pj . . . i work for major concern in dfw region . . . am involved with the publishing industry since mid 80's. started with film . . . worked my way up or out (lateral progression). never stepped foot in college . . . took part-time evening course, to...
  16. pnamajck

    action-list event for "current page" ?

    'ppreciate your interest, abc . . . was a major hurdle just upgrading from pitstop_7.52 to pitstop_pro_10 . . . previous to that we used pitstop_4.0 (first year 'scrubber' was included in actions) ? hi-five . . . :D
  17. pnamajck

    PDF Library

    acrobat-pro-x (menu/edit/preflight) has many preflight options that might offer you salvation . . . pitstop-pro-10, to be used in conjunction with acrobat-pro-x, offers global-actions as well as local-actions and preflight-actions.
  18. pnamajck

    action-list event for "current page" ?

    sure . . . and, what follows, is just from my point-of-view (exposure) . . . client wants a 32pg smyth . . . they submit 40pg . . . 4pg-fr-es . . . 4pg-bk-es . . . 32pg prime-content. i extract first 4pg as front-endsheet . . . i extract last 4pg as back-endsheet. need...
  19. pnamajck

    Introduce yourself!

    greetings to all . . . and, yes, i do mean everyone. been with publishing-industry since mid-80's . . . pirorly, was computer-programmer . . . priorly, was hospitality-industry. am with publishing-industry, current employer, since 1988 . . . everyday is new adventure...
  20. pnamajck

    action-list event for "current page" ?

    pitstop pro 10 i created several actions for applying cutbacks of specific static dimensions . . . i wish for these actions to be performed only on the current page. i highlight the action in the action-list window and, before hitting "run", i need to...


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