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  1. drummerpaco

    Converting RGB to CMYK

    I have question on converting RGB images to CMYK. I know that RGB color gamut is much wider than CMYK, however we like to eliminate color shifting as much as possible. Currently we have tested that two RGB settings (Adobe RGB (1998) and sRGB) converting to CMYK (Coated GRACoL 2006) using...
  2. drummerpaco

    Illustrator CS5 vs CS4 EPS printout Problem

    well, I have tried both without embedded image or with embedding image as well. It seem it act both as same result. Flatten image will diregard the color profile that Original image has which we set up as GRACoL 2006 color space. I tried bothe CS5 and CS4 to have same color setting. Still...
  3. drummerpaco

    Dot Gain, Dot % and Dot Area?

    Thanks Gordo, I thought they were all same terminology, however, it seems very clear now. thanks
  4. drummerpaco

    Dot Gain, Dot % and Dot Area?

    Good moning all... I want to know difference betweeen Dot gain, Dot % and Dot Area. I thought it was all same terminology that I reserve TVI and find out the values. Well, I have to find out Dot Gain and Dot Area on 2%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% with Xrite 939. I already have printed bunch of press...
  5. drummerpaco

    Printing EPS in ORIS Color Tuner Web

    Good Afternoon. I have noticed when I print the Illustrator EPS file that saved in CS5, it came somewhat different compared with customer provided printed out. So I used another computer to use CS4 to create EPS file and the printed proof came out different then CS5 EPS file. It seems like the...
  6. drummerpaco

    Illustrator CS5 vs CS4 EPS printout Problem

    Good Afternoon. I have noticed when I print the Illustrator EPS file that saved in CS5, it came somewhat different then customer provided printed out. So I used another computer to use CS4 and then the print out came out same as customer provided printed out. It is exactly same file but...
  7. drummerpaco

    RGB to CMYK

    Well, G7 Environment? I know when you convert to CMYK, you could assign the profile to GRACoL 2006. When you convert RGB to CMYK, I would convert RGB - LAB - CMYK (and assign the profile regarding on what your proof or printing standards is). Then I would use Relative Colormetric instead of...
  8. drummerpaco

    Physical Color Target need to be match in Proof.

    Hello everyone, I have question regarding on color matching for hardproofs. I have received client sent physical ink draw down in different type of paper compare to our proofing paper. Ink draw down white paper is L*= 95.23, a*=1.16, b*=-0.74 and our proofing paper is GRACoL certified paper...
  9. drummerpaco

    Rotogravure ink draw down + measurement

    I have question regarding on how to measure color in ink draw down in transparecy film. We have received two samples that has 1. Pantone color ink drawdown with white ink on transparence film 2. Pantone color ink drawdown without white ink on transparence film (Should I request for white ink...
  10. drummerpaco

    PDF Overprint

    But cannot see in Reader which most of people, customer, do not have one.
  11. drummerpaco

    PDF Overprint

    When I converted to PDF/X-1a, I could see the overprint on acrobat reader. Now, when you have transparence effect on overprint, I could still see the overprint and as directed profile color space. However when PDF/X-1a file will not able to print the PDF file as you see on the screen...
  12. drummerpaco

    White Opacity

    I tried and I got some values that I think your were refereing to. Now when I measure that, it comes with measuring (V)-visual, (C)-Cyan, (M)-Magenta and (Y)-Yellow. What color should I choose for reading white opacity?
  13. drummerpaco

    Xrite 939 setting question

    Good morning/afternoon/evening All, We purchased Xrite 939 Spectrodensitometer to read color and for QC. When I tried to set-up the device, I came up to question for Opacity menu. In Configuration menu > Color Options >> Opacity I want to know is what the "Set K1" value for. Is anyone could...
  14. drummerpaco

    Why CMYK 100% density values are different?

    I am simply asking 100% of Black ink and 100% White ink density value, not Linearization process. My question is why opacity % is much higher when you print with 100% pure black ink than 100% white ink, in another words, Why light can transmit more in 100% white ink on film. I have Xrite 939...
  15. drummerpaco

    White Opacity

    Well, I should try that. thanks.:D:D:D Some say the white opacity rage for Flexo/gravure is around 48-55. Is this measurement value comes from similar way of finding white opacity?
  16. drummerpaco

    Why CMYK 100% density values are different?

    1. Does anybody can explain why the 100% printed C, M, Y, K density values are different? I noticed that each C M Y K 100% print density values are different in Offset, also as Flexo/Gravure. 2. Why 100% Black and 100% White opacity % (density) is different when you print on film? Is this...
  17. drummerpaco

    Why CMYK 100% density values are different?

    I think I should try there. Since I was studying density, because it is measure of light, I think density should changes depends on what ink the light transmit. man!!! too scientific measurement!!!:p:p:p thanks
  18. drummerpaco

    White Opacity

    Well, does anyone have experience to measure white opacity for flexo/gravure printout? I just want to know if my methods are OK for measuring opacity %. We have Xrite 939 for checking Spot color measurement / QC and when I tried to measure Opacity %, then the measurement shows are vary depends...
  19. drummerpaco

    Why CMYK 100% density values are different?

    Well we are printing on the clear film. I am in Rotogravure world. Because you have to print the white ink on clear film, I need to measure the white opacity %. Then I noticed that Black color has higher density value. I am printing on to PET12 + Solvent INK I think I am explaining myself OK
  20. drummerpaco

    Why CMYK 100% density values are different?

    Does anybody can explain why the 100% of CMYK density value is different? I know that opacity % changes through CMYK also as White. My biggest concern is why 100% Black and 100% White opacity % (or density) is different? Is this because of Pigment, viscosity or chemical that make the ink? I am...


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