Easy fix. Your yellow is much too strong.
If you have an Ink Film Thickness Gauge measure the mil thickness of each process color, K-C-M-Y. The yellow must be the thickest of all the other colors in the 4th down position, particularly versus the cyan and magenta.
If you do not have an IFT tool, try this. I know it may interefere with your G7 if you employ it, but try it nevertheless. Add 30% of transparent white to your yellow after you have experienced the contaimination issue. Wash up the units and run 5,000 sheets and you will see a definite improvment and cleaner yellow unit. This is only a short term fix to prove to your ink supplier that you have an ink problem. It will be their job to fix it through proper formulation.
By the way what brand and series of process inks do you use?
I am certain this is the answer to your problem. Please follow up after following my prescription. Happy offseting!
D Ink Man