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55 LPI on Indigo


Well-known member
Trying to make some film positives for screen printing on an Indigo, problem is Hq RIP only has 5 presents for LPI 144 being smallest, which is still way to small of a dot for screen printing, does anyone know a way of pre-screening out of photoshop or ID a course line screen, art will generally be very basic and just black and white???
...does anyone know a way of pre-screening out of photoshop or ID a course line screen, art will generally be very basic and just black and white???

In PShop just do a mode change to "Bitmap" make sure that the output dpi is an even multiple of the dpi of your Indigo and choose "Halftone Screen". Punch in 55 lpi and your done. Just don't resize the image.
No good for 4/C but fine for B&W.

best, gordo
Trying to make some film positives for screen printing on an Indigo, problem is Hq RIP only has 5 presents for LPI 144 being smallest, which is still way to small of a dot for screen printing, does anyone know a way of pre-screening out of photoshop or ID a course line screen, art will generally be very basic and just black and white???
You can go try creating your own settings under the separation manager. this can be accessed from the page setup window. If its a HQ rip these settings can be done. Give it a try.
If you manually screen in Photoshop as Gordo suggests, keep in mind that 800 ppi on an Indigo really means 812.8 ppi (32 pixels per mm). If you used 800, you'd probably get a nasty moire problem. Also, you can't exactly set the lpi in Photoshop - it will quantize the number you enter to make the distance between dot centers aligned to the raster grid.

CMYK can be done if you split the channels in the channels palette, bitmap each of the 4 images, then convert them back to grayscale, then merge the channels back in the channels palette. This gives you a much larger file by a factor of 8 than is theoretically necessary, because the binary data in each channel has to go back to 8-bit grayscale to merge the channels back together.

You can make a Photoshop action do this if the first action step duplicates the image with an explicit name, then closes the original image. Then the action can record switching between the split images because their names will be the same every time.


It is a HQ RIP, but indigo says all but the 5 defaults are locked out, will try photoshop route, Indigo does have a grayed out box for pre-screened, maybe I can output outlined TIFF from TrueFlow?


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