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Acrobat 8 - Convert All Text to Outlines NOT WORKING

Thank You Lukas, I got the preview now !!!!

Could you guide me through a basic eps setup ??? (ASCII or Binary, Convert Truetype, etc...)

Thank you so much for your time, I'm still learning all that PDF crap !!!! lol

I'll try and guide you, but it's a long dialogue with settings:
ASCII / Binary is an old left over, either should work binary means simpler machine code.
Language level higher has more features, but requires newer rips. Level 2 is old, and does not have as smart alogarithms for smooth fills. 3 is better 2 more compatable.
Font inclusion: none means you strip fonts. Embedded leaves as is. Embedded and reference also adds those fonts that are in your system but not embeded in the PDF.
Converting TrueType ot Type 1, is to make it safer fro older rips that have problems with TrueType.
Preview Tiff is PC standard PICT was old mac standard.
Page range… well I don't need to expand on that do I?

for eps well you can't print separations you can convert to composite gray thouh, and that can be useful.
Profile is the profile is converted to a postscript simplified profile called CSA.
Applying output preview can be usefull if you have a magazne add and you want to adapt it for Newsprint.
I would normally choose High resoloution flattener.
If you are printing to a copier you may want to simulate overprint, this also can help solve problems with transparency, if you have spot colours that need to be converted to CMYK.
Don't have any opinion on Maximum Image resoloution, but sounds like a good idea ;P
I don't know that the screen values are honoured, usually they are overridden.

Personally I prefer thinnest marks, Only Trim Marks, possibly the addition of Page information.
IMO the other marks are outdated (what is needed is added by imposition software).

For single pages not so important but I will try to explain.
Send at starts sends Fonts and other info once for the file, on slow networks this was important, for each page is safer.
Emit means to forward the information, to uncheck means you trust the next application can handle it just as well or better.
I wouldn't emit anything.
The descriptionsare descriptive, the only thing that might need clarification is flattness. Flattness is how small segments that make up curved forms (Postscript doesn't have curves only straight lines) too small segments means rip crashes or takes unnecessary extra time too large segments mean you will get, in worst case scenario circles looking like octagons.

Hope that was enough detail and I am sure Leonard will correct me where I am wrong ;P
. . . Example: Lammy mentioned "so I can edit in Illustrator". That tells me that either Acrobat needs better editing tools (so you don't need Illustrator) OR we need to improve Illustrator's font handling. . . .

Ohhhhh I got quoted does that make me famous ;)

Yes Acrobat needs better tools. Matter of fact, make em just like illustrator or Indesign's and I'm good to go.

While PDF started off with the best of intentions and sounded like the holy grail of prepress, it's since failed terribly in that regard and become just another prepress app I've had to learn, buy, expand upon and trouble shoot. Like the old saying goes, make something idiot proof and there will come a better idiot. I think in regards to printing it's simply allowed the inexperienced and unknowlegable to infiltrate the ranks. Secretaries are now doing corporate brochures in word because they can save it as a pdf and pass it along and it become my problem. But hey it's a PDF so all should be good right? I wish!

Don't get me wrong, it isn't ALL bad. When a knowledgeable skilled designer is at the wheel they can make a good pdf that works well and boy how. Nothing better than a properly made PDF to fly right through my work flow. Unfortunately out of my client list of say 100 I've got 2 that can do that.
Step by step solution for newbies

Step by step solution for newbies

I too fully understand the issues that a pdf file with fonts not converted to outlines causes.
All the customer wants is their plastic cards printed and delivered and they 'think' PDF (Potable Document Format - yeah right! - about as portable as a cathedral is!) are 'perfect' and work fine!

I have done this little video tutorial showing how to convert fonts to outlines using acrobat pro.

Hopefully it will help people and make life easier for all of us!

How to convert fonts to outlines to avoid font substitution


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