Well-known member
Ok Chuck, Uncle!
Must have been the shamwow comment. It was not my intention of belittling any Heidelberg tools or concepts by comparing them to a super-absorbent chamois. I was merely making light of Mark's post, which reads not unlike a "But Wait! There's More!" infomercial. A forum hard-liner might have asked that vender responses refrain from gratuitous self promotion that offers little content, but that's not me, and Mark has a history of relevant posts.
It was also not my intention to infer that Gray Balance Optimizer is in anyway inferior or more complex that other methods (simple and effective were the words I chose actually)...only that there can be significant work up front to derive high quality press profiles.
I think some would definitely argue that a pressrun for determining 1 dimensional curves for plate compensation could be narrower in scope and less costly in time and materials than a pressrun (or pressruns) for deriving characterization data and press profiles, but I will allude to your point here...
...and agree that the purpose of the profile could (somewhat) alter my opinion on this. I would be fairly reluctant to utilize a profile derived from a 1000 sheet count "calibration" run for image conversion, device-link workflows and/or proofing than I would to more simply derive tonality and gray balance compensation via curves (with often only tonality adjustment necessary). Yes, pressing "Calculate" is easy...deriving accurate data for a holistic press profile often involves more.
This can be accomplished without a genius (or Heidelberg software) if one is properly motivated by budget restrictions and/or laziness.
No one accused any product of being a knockoff in this thread, and the complexity of deriving holistic press data for profile creation is not directly related to any Heidelberg product. I think you're reading more into my comments than is there, but sorry if I hit a nerve. Regarding the African Swallow comment, my only retort is "NI"!
Best regards.
It was also not my intention to infer that Gray Balance Optimizer is in anyway inferior or more complex that other methods (simple and effective were the words I chose actually)...only that there can be significant work up front to derive high quality press profiles.
I find it interesting that some have commented that the Heidelberg Solution requires the wherewithall to do a press characterization in order to create a profile. Wow - now that is Sham Wowy! (or is it just a Sham) Of course it does!
I think some would definitely argue that a pressrun for determining 1 dimensional curves for plate compensation could be narrower in scope and less costly in time and materials than a pressrun (or pressruns) for deriving characterization data and press profiles, but I will allude to your point here...
Besides, the profile that you generate for creating a Near Neutral Curve is temporary and only used for creating the curve correction
...and agree that the purpose of the profile could (somewhat) alter my opinion on this. I would be fairly reluctant to utilize a profile derived from a 1000 sheet count "calibration" run for image conversion, device-link workflows and/or proofing than I would to more simply derive tonality and gray balance compensation via curves (with often only tonality adjustment necessary). Yes, pressing "Calculate" is easy...deriving accurate data for a holistic press profile often involves more.
(unless of course you are a genius and able to export the curve you create and imort it back into the profile thereby creating a calibrated profile and avoiding the necessity to print a verification run - possible with Heidelberg Tools)
This can be accomplished without a genius (or Heidelberg software) if one is properly motivated by budget restrictions and/or laziness.
Sorry about the somewhat sarcastic rant, but it gets old listening to the multitudes of Sham-Wipers that offer to solve all of your issues with some magical solution and in the same breath tell you that the most powerful solution available (which happens to be integral to the solutions that you have already invested in - but available to anyone) is either a knock off of a simple and inferior product, or more difficult than calculating the air speed velocity of an African Swallow flying into a 16.5mph headwind while flapping it's wings at 153.5689 beats per minute.
No one accused any product of being a knockoff in this thread, and the complexity of deriving holistic press data for profile creation is not directly related to any Heidelberg product. I think you're reading more into my comments than is there, but sorry if I hit a nerve. Regarding the African Swallow comment, my only retort is "NI"!
Best regards.