ArtPro pdf file conversion

Hello all Prepress people !

I could do with some assistance please. I get six colour pdfs of a carton design that is exported from ArtPro, which is all good and fine. However sometimes I have the need - and I wish I could, convert them to a five colour pdf. That all sounds easy, well it is proving to be otherwise. So, the file is CMYK, a second black and a PMS, I am trying to map / convert the second black to process black. I have tried this in the workflow, Illustrator, Acrobat and Acrobat with PitStop. In all cases it the trapping that does not map succesfully. Can anyone offer some help, do I need a ESKO plugin or am I just missing a basic tick box in a setting, your suggestions are welcome.

maybe import into InDesign, and remap there, then export and maybe the trapping/treatment becomes consistent with cmyK

if it's several pages, you can use the PlaceMultipagePDF script in InDesign
Hello all Prepress people !

I could do with some assistance please. I get six colour pdfs of a carton design that is exported from ArtPro, which is all good and fine. However sometimes I have the need - and I wish I could, convert them to a five colour pdf. That all sounds easy, well it is proving to be otherwise. So, the file is CMYK, a second black and a PMS, I am trying to map / convert the second black to process black. I have tried this in the workflow, Illustrator, Acrobat and Acrobat with PitStop. In all cases it the trapping that does not map succesfully. Can anyone offer some help, do I need a ESKO plugin or am I just missing a basic tick box in a setting, your suggestions are welcome.

Any chance you can upload the PDF, or a slice of it?
It's not the trapping, the parts that are not working with Pitstop Remap Colours appear to have 100% Black and 100% Pantone Black in the objects
The file is layered and turning off the trapping layer makes no difference.
Ii can remap the colours successfully by refining in Prinergy, then re-refining with the colours combined
Hi Magnus59, with all the attempts I have tried its the keepaway that comes to the fourground of the converted pdf as an object. Anothe prepress company has done the conversion succesfully for us but will not discuss how it is done.
Are you suggesting you do it in a two stage process Magnus59 - nice idea ?
Hi Magnus59, with all the attempts I have tried its the keepaway that comes to the fourground of the converted pdf as an object. Anothe prepress company has done the conversion succesfully for us but will not discuss how it is done.
Are you suggesting you do it in a two stage process Magnus59 - nice idea ?
The 2 stages are required when processing through Prinergy as the first refine is required in order to identify all the colours used in the job, the second refine can then be used to combine colours as required
I opened your document in PACKZ and was able to convert that second black to the CMYK black in about 2 seconds. Do you need the file back?
Merhaba tüm baskı öncesi insanlar!

Biraz yardımla yapabilirim lütfen. ArtPro'dan ihraç edilen bir karton tasarımın altı renkli pdf'sini alıyorum, hepsi iyi ve güzel. Ancak bazen ihtiyacım oluyor - ve keşke yapabilseydim, onları beş renkli bir pdf'ye dönüştürüyorum. Bunların hepsi kulağa kolay geliyor, bunun aksi olduğu kanıtlanıyor. Yani, dosya CMYK, ikinci bir siyah ve bir PMS, ikinci siyahı siyahı işlemek için eşleştirmeye/dönüştürmeye çalışıyorum. Bunu iş akışında, Illustrator, Acrobat ve Acrobat'ta PitStop ile denedim. Her durumda, başarılı bir şekilde eşleşmeyen yakalama. Herhangi biri yardım sunabilir mi, bir ESKO eklentisine ihtiyacım var mı yoksa bir ayardaki temel bir onay kutusunu mı kaçırıyorum, önerilerinizi bekliyoruz.

Hi david,
I downloaded the PDF file and checked it.
I did not see a problem, everything is correct.
You can watch it in the attached video.



  • pdf.jpg
    922 KB · Views: 255


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