Hello, I'm currently working for a commercial print shop that utilizes offset and digital. We are currently using EPMS as our MIS and Nexus 10.1 as our preflight workflow software. I'm looking to set up the workflow so that it's completely automated (minus having to make manual corrections to files)
Currently, we can use Nexus to preflight/trap files but the imposition is done manually through preps. Using Nexus and Preps 5.3 is there a way to automate imposition as well and just have the imposed file sent to the RIP?
If you're currently using Nexus, are you automating your imposition with another software?
Currently, we can use Nexus to preflight/trap files but the imposition is done manually through preps. Using Nexus and Preps 5.3 is there a way to automate imposition as well and just have the imposed file sent to the RIP?
If you're currently using Nexus, are you automating your imposition with another software?