Chemicals to clean CTP processors


Well-known member
Hi everybody, somebody know the name or the company that produce chemicals to clean the rollers of processors for Siver, Photopolymer and Thermal plates? I know Kodak has a product for thermal processor, but I do not find any reference in his web site.


There's no such thing as a universal cleaner. Chemicals for Lithostar, thermal and violet photopoly plates are all very different. I know Kodak has its own cleaning chemistry, also Agfa. Most probably Fujifilm too.
Dear Maxon, I appreciate your comment, you are right each company must have his chemical to clean the processor, however is not easy find them and features in the sites of these companies. Thanks.
For our thermal device plate processor we have never used anything other than H 2 O and elbow grease.



Try these Unversal CtP Plate Processor Cleaners -

1) Varn CtP Plate Processor Bath Cleaner 2) Technova Imaging Systems - CtP Plate Processor Cleaner

Regards, Alois
Dear Point918, usually We do the same way to clean the processor, but is easier if we use a chemical to remove some residues. Diferent plates leaves diferent amount of sediments. Thanks
We are using the same chemical pressmens use to clean gumrollers on the presses supplied by manroland. we have kodak chemicals, also used with agfa chemicals.
Alois, these fluids are used for thermal and photopolymer plate processors not silver therefore they are not universal as I put it.
We use the white scotchbrite pads - not the green ones! - Simple Green Cleaner for the rollers and things that can be rinsed off very well. and H2O and elbow grease for the rest . . . Violet Plates and yes it is messy.


Hello, Chavez and Maxon,

Chavez, a recommendation by Pre Press Colleagues.

Maxon, Correct, not for Silver Based Image Plates.

Regards, Alois
Dear All
We are manufacturer of CTP processor.
For the cleaning, we suggest oxalic acid which you may find in any chemical material shop.
1. Melt the oxalic acid in the developer tank with water.
2. Warm up water to 30℃ and make processor running of 1-2hour. (make water circulation to run through all pipes).

After cleaning, drain out water and clean the tank with water again to finish clean procedure.

For roller and brush, this liquid (water + oxalic acid) will be working too.

We have an Agfa Elantrix 95S thermal plate processor. We use Simple Green (which you can get just about anywhere) to clean our processor and rollers. I don't know if Simple Green is ideal for other processors but it works well for us.

Best regards,
I suggest Hydra Sprint V2, which is specifically for processors. It is a foaming spray cleanser.The sprayer that they sell is required to make it foam, so don't just get the refill. This cleaner is the best universal cleaner that we have found so far. There are also other processor cleaners on their website but we have never tried them before.

Good luck,

Bob Weber Inc.
We use the white scotchbrite pads - not the green ones! - Simple Green Cleaner for the rollers and things that can be rinsed off very well. and H2O and elbow grease for the rest . . . Violet Plates and yes it is messy.

When we had violet plates we also used scotchbrite pads and Simple Green and tons of water. Lots of hard work, very messy. A couple years ago we changed over to chemistry-free thermal plates, no processor to deal with. Much nicer!



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