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Crop Image Data in PDF


Is there a way to "Crop Image Data to Frames" like InDesign does, but on an already created PDF? For example, if I receive a PDF with an 8 x 10 image in it that only uses a 1 x 1 cropped area of that 8 x 10 image, is there a way to remove the unused image data? Any applications or plugins that will do this?
I could if they were files that I've created and I didn't have to worry about exact repositioning. Once you crop down a clipped image, it doesn't reposition itself correctly. Also, on these files I receive, there's about 20 images per document. I did figure out a way to do it in Illustrator, but it's very cumbersome.
You can use the optimiser

You can use the optimiser

In the I have seen in the PDF creation that images can be cropped to frames. I thought I had seen it in PDF optimiser, but can't find it... maybe mixing up with the pitstop optimisation actions. Long time since I did that.

If you mean you want to change the crop box, well with Acrobat 9 pro you can do that too. Use your advanced editing, touch up object tool, select the image, and right click you will see a menu with options not in any other menus. set clip and delete clip. If you choose set clip you will see your cursor chenges as you are over the corner, and you click and drag to change the clip.
This question bothers me. Why would you want to do this? Especially in PDF. If the PDF has the image properly cropped to its frame, what is the problem with the excess being there? I get really nervous when someone downstream wants to mess with something that was done upstream. If it's an issue that the file is too large, then ask the content creator to crop the image in photoshop before placing it on the page.

I teach the prepress guys at the places where I consult that PDF editing should only be MINOR changes and anything more complex should be sent back to the content originator. There are two reasons for this: 1. You can screw something else up when trying to fix something, and 2. The content originator's file is now WRONG. If the original file is wrong, they might resubmit it at a later time when there is no one who recalls what the original fix was and the next guy has to start all over.
image cropping in pdf file

image cropping in pdf file

yes U can crop in pdf files......
the file ope n in ADOBE PROFESIONAL .... chose the crope pages option in document mennu, and put necessery croping value in each left-right, top-botom. then after the pdf file save as to a new PS file. finelly distil the ps file U get the cropped size.

All those opposed to editing in PDF's and thinking if you don't touch things it's not your responsibility.

IF content creators would be humble enough to listen to prepress (and not just have the attitude that creatives are above technical knowledge because of the divine nature of creativity and any technical knowlege would defile them as creative beings)
AND they were available
AND accesible so that when you are given a production plan with hardly any margins
... then PDF editing would not be necessary.

NO ONE wants to edit PDFs (and put themselves at risk where you will never get thanked but definately blamed if you do not attain perfection), it is like dissarming a nuclear bomb… but in a risk analysis one has to choose between lesser of the evils available (irrespective of intentions)

It can happen that the prepress person in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation, must attend to something in a PDF file where the risk of not doing so is greater that the risks involved in a last minute fix. So it would be usefull in a How to thread not to be told not to every time. Fine have a why not thread, but it could be some one is having to do what they know is not recommended and does not want to spend lotts of hours sifting through information they already know.
Hi, vijugovind.
As for me, I am using another
PDF SDK instead of ADOBE PROFESIONAL. It also allows users do deal with image cropping issues using it. But I wonder whether it can be accomplished in the opened PDF files? Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
If it helps you can do it easily in PitStop. Usage is normally to make the PDF file as phyically small as possible.
Of course doing it then limits resizing/editing opportunities for the images, especially if you need to extend the crops of images to add bleed.
PDF editing tools from various European vendors can do this to native PDF's without bastardizing the PDF's by opening them in Illustrator.
tips for u

tips for u

Havn't used PitStop to crop image on created PDF, but I've ever annoyed by image cropping. Then have some tips for u.
After you have cropped your image, you can move the image around in the frame with the Direct Selection tool, the second tool in the Tools panel. This allows you to center your cropped image in the frame. Select the "Direct Selection" tool; the mouse cursor changes to an open hand. Hold the mouse button and drag the image into the desired position.
Is there a way to "Crop Image Data to Frames" like InDesign does, but on an already created PDF? For example, if I receive a PDF with an 8 x 10 image in it that only uses a 1 x 1 cropped area of that 8 x 10 image, is there a way to remove the unused image data? Any applications or plugins that will do this?

Make this pdf to .PS (postsctscript file.....ie save as to .PS format) then again distil this ps file.....


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