CS4 Export Adobe PDF has some standard options grayed out?


We are preparing to change all our pdf export presets in InDesign CS4 to the pdf/x-4 standard. On a couple of our machines, some of the standards are greyed out, both x-3's and the x-4.

Even if you choose the preset of the pdf/x-4:2008, the standard defaults to "none" on these machines. It's really weird.

I have no idea where to start. Does anyone know if this would be a Preferences issue preventing these selections? Plugins? Permissions? Bad install?

Thanks in advance.

Btw, these are Leapord OSX 10.5 machines.
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I am limited to IDCS3 and Tiger 10.4.11, so I will not be much help. But you might want to get the latest for both Leopard (10.5.7) and IDCS4 (6.0.2). There were a lot of reports initially of problems with 10.5.0 and IDCS4 at the InDesign General Discussion Forum at the Adobe site, so you may want to search there:

Adobe Forums: Forum: InDesign

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Problem solved. Some of the machines had color management turned off, so it didn't allow for those standards to be used.
Thank you for reporting back, very usefull to know when helping clients. Since I allways have colour Management on I wouldn't come across it myself :)
No problem. I thought'd I'd cause a fuss to all the users who wanted to help on here if I didn't post the answer. We are mainly looking into this to handle the glyphs issue with IDCS4 that you posted in another thread, seeing as that may be the best solution for us now. Keep running into new things we have to change.


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