Boots on the ground are actually more important than ever, imho. With diminished print, high competition for that print job, now is the time to demand a partnership with a willing ink supplier that will stand with you in overcoming problems in your pressroom. It is these type of relationships that built the industry and was a significant vehicle in providing profitabilty, for the printer as well as the ink companies. If you can't find this kind of service, please keep searching, it will come. The ink companies will again wake up and discover that SERVICE is an attribute that will keep them in business. In recent years they have squeezed just about everything they can from cheaper raw materials, low & slow transportation costs and the reduction of their work forces, many times, good key experienced people that were part of the solution, not the problem. The ink leaders may eventually open their blinded eyes and realize that SERVICE is an entity that nurtures prosperity. For the ones who lay ink on paper, I would demand SERVICE, with boots on ground methodologies. Because no matter how cheap the selling price of that ink is, no matter the time frame for deliveries, no matter how tasty the donuts and no matter how good those seats are for the upcoming Football game; partnering with a SERVICE providing ink company is a key element directly proportionate to whether a printer will be able to keep his doors open. Yes, ink is normally 3-5% of a print job's cost, but the expertise a qualified ink technician can give is PRICELESS. Some CEO and leaders of layers of ink on paper have again realized it, and will not settle for lip service or an 800 number. Please do not be shy in asking or demanding service of the technical nature from your ink supplier. DEMAND IT!