Thanks all for your responses.
I had read that some printers, including some big ones send their files as RGB and let the RIP sort it out and I couldn't figure out why they would do that unless they were a very small shop with no effective colour control. I still can't figure that one out, so for now we're going to continue to convert to CMYK at the point of proofing.
Thanks again for your input.
The theory behind keeping everything RGB and allowing the RIP to manage color is that you want to leep as much color information in a file as far into the production process as possible.
Good Color Management is alot like a good marriage. It takes a lot of work and often a fair amout of trial and error before you get positive results. In the end if done correctly BOTH can be very rewarding.
One of my frustrations when I got started with Color Management is that for so many questions the answer is "It Depends". What works flawlessly in another's shop may fail miserably in yours depending on a variety of factors.
The advice I would give if you think you need better color accuracy is to start at the beginning. If you're doing the creating make sure all the workstations and their softwares had the same default settings, profiles etc. Same as you move through the workflow. Correct profiles (Custom or otherwise) loaded. I always work with a few "Benchmark" files. One that I KNOW what their supposed to look like in addition to the GATF or Altona files.
The digital world essentially assigns numeric values to what us old farts used to do by eye iin the press world years ago. It seems hard but I just keep remembering the X-Acto knife cuts from using Ruby Lith, and overlay after overlay to get a composite negative to strip into a flat or dot etching a separation to add more magenta in in the shadows. Now it's a few mouse clicks and some upfront work and BANG good color.