Yeahhh... that's a weak point of all (especially on-line) Avantras, and at 44th model - you loose more media at the end of roll than Av25-30 because the drum size.
The explanation of your situation:
Normal sequence of operations
Av44 just finished the page/color and advanced it to the Bridge to start new imaging.
When next page/color done, Av44 has to:
Advance the rest of previous page (most part of it remained inside the Bridge) exactly to the Cutter;
Cut the page;
Pull that cutted page into Processor;
Advance another imaged page into the Bridge;
Start new imaging.
But roll is over... one image is inside the Bridge, Avantra pulls the end of page to the Cutter, input Media Present Sensor creates a signal "No media!" error 33
And you loose: one page in Buffer + whole drum size of film + rest of film from Media Sensor to the Drum input slot = a few meters.
What could you do to avoid that loss... ?
Lucky case: The Cassette is empty but Film still covers the input Media Sensor - enough to advance and cut one page and flush the rest of film with the second page into the Processor.
The smaller your page size the more luck to save imaged pages.
If you use "Fill Drum" of "Ganging" options - no luck at all.